Thanks guys :)
Gary pal I just put some shapes together in CorelDraw and the rest sort of grew from that. I didn't have a design in mind when I started it just came out this way
This is what it looks like in "wire-frame" with all the textures and fills/colour removed
This does go to show how complex some of our work is. Or how crazy I am since I understand it.
Here's a requested tutorial by one of our members on how to create a reflection on an angled image... enjoy
Thanks Britton and Archie
I have been a GFX-er for a long time, just never had any time to do anything. I have lots of backgrounds at the 800x600 resolution which was the norm at the time (tells you how long ago that was). Might put more of them up here in a bit. Mostly just playing around with various filters and such.
Also I got into vector stuff with Inkscape, but I have not done anything major in there yet like what pooman has shown off....