Hi All,
I forgot about this thread until Hopalong X told me, i had opened a new thread requesting a background... i didn't want to post the request here too (didn't want to duplicate it).
If anyone doesn't mind taking a quick look it would be much appriciated
Thread located here - Custom Desktop Wallpaper
Hi guys, firstly well done to all the wall makers here, i had to get a separate hard drive just to save them all
I have a request, i would like a wallpaper made out of the following.
1. the back ground should be like the one you see when playing halo on the loading. It's like this black honeycomb thing with a cool light bluish glow behind it.
2. On the background in the middle i would like the emblem of pic 1 that was made by beman36, i just renamed it so its easier to point to in my post, but instead of the windows flag i would like the ROG eyes from asus, or the word asus or what ever works best.
3. I would like the hole wallpaper to be edged by pic 2, but not allot, those metal edges should be like just on the corners a bit and maybe a small bit on the sides,but in a cool way
And i am sorry if this seems like an rood order or something like that, but it's not,its a very friendly request, so if someone has the time and patients to make this i would really appreciate it.
ps. if the size could be 1920x1080p and if it could look like smooth and super HD that be great.
Thank you.