A bit more simplistic 1 today
Probably all my efforts on this wall are misused .... it is not good at all, but i tried to make something different
A new wallpaper
The background is not made by me; I dont know who made it, I got it in a technology magazine's DVD 3 years ago: they didnt mentioned who created it. its not that tough to made using brushes though, I must mention this. I changed the color scheme of it.
The Windows Logo is modified from official Logo in PNG format.
Rest is created by me (Oh what remains in the rest for me )
Download here (SkyDrive)
Made a quick tutorial on how to convert a black and white image to full colour in less than 5 min. You can adjust the colours accordingly ie. make the sea green and the sky pink if you want just play about with the different settings. I've used CorelPHOTO Paint but the principle remains the same for PS, Gimp etc. ... enjoy
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