Too fast for me Sergio! Although it was my rendering! (With your orb!)
We make a darn good team I think mate!!!
Thanks Kari!! It's guys like you that make it worth while!!
But with all due respect, there are some very talented guys out there that does fantastic work as well!!
And it is an honor to work with guys like, Anthony, Ballistyx, Pauliwog, Generator, Nyob, Matt, and of course Mr Grim!! (Forgive me if I left someone out!!)
A special thanks to all of you, and a very special thanks to Sergio!! A lot here would never have been possible without him!!!
Thanks mate I also have a lot to thank you and the guys for :) For giving feedback, helping me when i needed it and Made some kick ass walls :)
and ofcourse a special thanks to you Pierre, These threads (Custom made sig and avatar and this thread) would not be the same without your work. :)