Just had a thought as another option, design is all about choices, so here's one.
I'll leave the graphics to the much more talented then myself.
Small or large, stealthy or not, artistically done '7fd' (Seven Forums Design), with a designers personal logo, or '7fd' added into their logo.
I think you can see what I'm getting at....
I would gladly add any of these designs in this thread to my sig, they're all great.
Below is a crude example, just to give the general idea, or food for thought on something different.
Last edited by Dave76; 21 May 2010 at 06:16.
Wow guys, you hae been doing some excellent work here!! Paul I really like your design buddy. I just want to mention, and this is just my thoughts, that I think we should run this for a while still and give everyone the opportunity to have a go at it. And after we have maybe a few candidates, compile a shortlist of the ones we deem best. We then maybe have a vote done by all members, and we as designers then agree to use the logo voted for. Is that fare?
Just keep in mind that it is just appropriate for us also to inform admin on what we are busy with (Sure they know already) and get their stamp of approval first. After all, the designs will be associated with SF. It is allright to put your own personal stamp on your work for the time being but for the official SF designers logo, we need the thumbs up from higher up. :)