How to sort by Date Accessed in all folders?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Enterprise x64

    How to sort by Date Accessed in all folders?

    I understand that by right clicking on the sorting bar you can choose and add dozens of ways to sort your files. How do I apply one (Date Accessed) not just for one folder, but for on the folders on my drive?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 423
    Win7 64bit Ult

    I'm assuming this is what you are after.
    1. Click the Start Menu Orb and then Search for cmd. Once that comes up Right-Click cmd.exe and SelectRun as administrator.
    2. The UAC prompt will appear… Click Yes!
    3. Now in the cmd prompt, Type in “ fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0 “ and Press Enter.
    4. Restart your PC for changes to take affect.

    After restart
    1. Switch the Window view to Details.
    2. Right-Click category bar and Click More…
    3. On the next window Scroll down and Check the box for Date Accessed and then Press OK.
    That’s it! Now when you do Windows Searches it will pull up and show the Date accessed category.

    Hope this helps Dan
      My Computer


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