How do I unmerge User folder and 'My Pictures' folder merged in error
I had moved 'My Pictures' folder away from C: \Users\username\My Pictures when I first set the computer up and I had it in another partitioned drive (E:).
For space reason I wanted to move it back to it's original location above and moved the whole folder across to the C: but instead of having it as a folder in the username folder as it should be I merged it in error with the username folder!
The folder is now named My Pictures and has the path C: \Users\My Pictures\ in the registry. I have (hopefully) attached the properties of the folder which shows that there is no location tab. The network path is shown as \\HOME\Users\username.
How do I clean up the folder back to it's standard user folder detail without the merged detail of My Pictures and I guess the easier part is to create a new My Pictures folder and point the registry to it (as per the detail in the top line).
Please help a newbie!