Editing a Windows theme for a longer Chrome

  1. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Editing a Windows theme for a longer Chrome

    "Bizarre title", you must be thinking. Let me explain. I have the taskbar on auto hide and I use AutoHotkey to increase the height of Google Chrome so that it covers (almost) the whole screen, as shown below.

    That's with the Windows 7 theme 7.5. However, I've found that when I'm using Nautilus Chrome is a little shorter and as a result more of the desktop is visible at the bottom of the screen:

    I don't think it's related to the taskbar, since it's the same size in both themes and the problem isn't resolved by moving the taskbar to another side of the screen. So I'm wondering what element I'd have to edit in WSB...Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,120
    Win 7 Pro x64 / Win 10 Pro

    How does it work with the default Windows 7 Aero theme?

    I do not have chrome installed nor do I plan to so it will be hard for me to diagnose it.

    I did look at the sizing margins for the taskbar on them 2 themes and they are different you might start their.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Bongo said:
    How does it work with the default Windows 7 Aero theme?
    Just tested it. It works perfectly with that theme.

    Bongo said:
    I did look at the sizing margins for the taskbar on them 2 themes and they are different you might start their.

    Hmm well following your instructions from another thread I resized Nautilus Grey's taskbar. Like in the Aero theme, the element <1> located at Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBar > Aero > TaskBar has a sizing margins value of 0, 0, 2, 0, and I deleted the other two added sizing margins.
    Last edited by Spores; 10 Jun 2016 at 03:32.
      My Computer


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