How to prevent Windows 7 indentification!

  1. Posts : 2

    How to prevent Windows 7 indentification!


    I'm using a software that detects my windows 7 system (Without changing or creating any files on the system (I use DEEPFREEZ - I refresh my IP) ) so basically first time i run the program it reads some info about my windows 7 and save online *secretly* so the next time i run it, it detects me!

    I wonder what information are unique about my system that can get me identified and how i protect my windows 7 against it to make it look like it just installed?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,219
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    Hi Krimoon,
    The only true/unique information on your comp
    Whatever you've installed!!
    including the passwords for them
    the product ID code if its retail or OEM system builder, and
    any GPO's set by you.

    The installation date is in multiple system files, normal/MS and OEM system set-up files.
    Program installation dates are also included, and i dont think anyone knows where they all are,
    (best guess 100+)

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Roy your reply inspired me!

    Its was the products ID, i have suspected this before however i did only change it from Registry when i should change the product key to make the change.

    The software didn't recognize me.
      My Computer


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