Hi all!
Im trying to create custom system folders and doing some researching about the values and variables used in. Example:

"InfoTip"="Est es una malandrina prueba"
"{305ca226-d286-468e-b848-2b2e8e697b74} 2"=dword:00000000
"SearchHelper"="ShellObjectEditor: Malandrino"





[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{cdf9cf1a-5922-452d-aa27-df4e035233b9}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\tab 1 general]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{cdf9cf1a-5922-452d-aa27-df4e035233b9}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\tab 2 customize]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{cdf9cf1a-5922-452d-aa27-df4e035233b9}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\tab 3 sharing]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{cdf9cf1a-5922-452d-aa27-df4e035233b9}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\tab 4 security]

I highlighted in bold and red those values set to attributes. Im trying to get some research about how many values can be set a custom shell folder (or program), where can I get more info about some values tables to set values attributes fro shell folders. I cannot find any info about info.

I would be very grateful if someone could have this information, thank you.