Account picture - where to find?

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7 32 bit

    Account picture - where to find?

    I have an account picture on my Windows 7 machine which I want to use on my new Winddows 11 machine. Unfortunately I cant find the picture on other places among my pctures than on the account picture.

    The question is how can a find and get the picture and the placement. Eventually by using regedit?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19
    w7rt, w7x64 pro, w10ltsc

    regedit is internal database of dependencies of system. Not a pic/web/file browser or viewer.
    I know that file search build in Win7 is abomination, and that is why everyone should use TotalCommander. You will find every file or picture .... if only you know what picture is... because judging from way how you use regedit ....
    How about Right Mouse Click on picture?
    How about Windows catalog where every icons are?
    How about Computer - Control Panel - Users - Pictures?
    even RMB on desktop and Personalize - on left you have link to CHANGE YOUR ACCOUNT PICTURE
    How about Win+F and type *.bmp; *.jpg ?
    How about direct address ?
    Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts\Change Your Picture
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 700
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Nearlyhappy said:
    I have an account picture on my Windows 7 machine which I want to use on my new Windows 11 machine. Unfortunately I cant find the picture on other places among my pctures than on the account picture.

    The question is how can a find and get the picture and the placement. Eventually by using regedit?
    Welcome to Seven Forums.

    First, if you have not done so already, turn on 'show hidden files and folders' in Explorer.
    Hidden Files and Folders - Show or Hide

    Then look in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures

    For your new W11 machine, you may also like to register on the sister site Windows 11 Forum or follow the 'Our Sites' link at the bottom of this page.

    Account picture - where to find?-image.png
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,952
    Windows 7 pro

    I usually find a copy under C:\Users\<Account name>\AppData\Local\Temp
      My Computer


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