Window Vista Sidebar on Windows 7

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  1. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    davehc said:
    Excuse me if this sounds a litle critical or sarcastic. It isn't meant as such - only an observation.
    After two years of criticism of some minor features in Vista, particuarly the sidebar and Windows Mail, sites such as this are now flooded with hints and hacks on how to recover those features in "7",
    Are we humans naturally perverse? I do believe that it qualifies the views of many, incuding myself, that Vista was not the problem, but the nature of the users!
    What is actually wrong with having the gadgets floating, instead of in an obtrusive window of their own. Why not use the taskbar, which is there anyway and can be "auto" hidden.
    What is wrong with installing Windows Live mail (Free), instead of those fiddles to get windows Mail going again. It does everything Windows Mail does, plus a wee bit more.
    I actually Have never used Windows Mail and personally I use Windows Live Mail and always have, although I have always liked the sidebar. I realize that so many people are having issues with Windows Mail but there are also allot people that wouldn't want to use anything else.

    What it all comes down to is personal choice and that is what I want to give to people, the Right to choose what program they want to use and the way they want it to look and behave.

    As far as the old side bar goes I don't find it obtrusive at all and in fact it can be very versatile in that you can choose to have it always on top or act as any other Window, dropping behind when another is in use.

    Another feature of the old sidebar is the option to take the gadgets out of the side bar and place them anywhere you want on the desktop, which is the same as Windows 7 has it set up and sadly that's about the only feature it does have.

    Are we humans naturally perverse?
    The answer is no, we are all different and we all have a different preference and we all make different choices and that's the way it should be, after all wouldn't it be a boring World if we were all the same!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    Well said Mr. GRiM.

    I actually prefer Windows Mail over Windows Live Mail for a good reason. I have multiple (9) email accounts which all garner their mail from one server at Spamcop, which filters all the garbage out, and for some reason, when the mail comes in to WLM, it appears in each account simultaneously. So when I'm moving or deleting mail it takes 9 times as long.

    WLM insists on setting up inboxes for every account instead of just one common inbox for all accounts as in WM and OE.
    I never could figure out why this was the case, until I do, or they fix it they can stick WLM where it hurts.

    Regarding the sidebar and gadgets, although I can see the advantage in being able to plant gadgets wherever you want on the screen, I prefer the sidebar "all in one box" idea because it can be dismissed and recalled. With W7 arrangement any custom gadgets have to be re-set up whenever they've been dismissed.

    I don't suppose Microsoft could make it an option....? (Likewise with WM)
    Last edited by Ex_Brit; 17 Nov 2008 at 12:26.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    I prefer Windows Mail because it uses the Vista or W7 contacts folder to look up email addys. Live Mail uses its own contacts folder. I don't get that. Yes I can get all of my contacts into the new folder, but I have many business' listed in my contacts and when I move them to the new folder, the emails and phone #'s etc. gets transferred, but not the names as there is no first and last name to transfer. Each entry has 'Add name' in the space for a name. I'm not the least bit interested in spending a whole day figuring out which phone no. goes with which name.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    Another minus for WLM that I had forgotten about.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Ex_Brit said:
    Some of us didn't do that complaining and actually like Vista.

    Later :) Ted
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    I certainly wasn't aware of the Contacts problems.I've tried to emulate the difference but cannot for the life of me. They both seem to point to the same contacts folder, aa does the "Select from contacts" facility. I run as the global Administrator, which could be the reason. Otherwise it is something I have configured in the installation and forgotten.
    Little later. OK. Now I am confused, but I do not have a problem. I have just opened Contacts and inserted a business name and address, with email and tel. -closed. When I opened Live mail, the new contact was there with the name etc??
    And EX-Brit.I only have 4 separrate accounts. My server also has a junk filter. My mail comes into the folder to whom it is addressed. One of the inboxes is my wife's. I her interests differ from mine considerably, and her box is also a lot busier than mine. I would certainly find it very inconvenient if all the mail came into the same inbox - or am I misunderstanding you?
    I,ll withdraw from the sidebar issue!! It is obviously a personal taste thing. When I reinstall it is usually the first thing I disable - but there, thats me!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    To fully clarify what I'm yammering on about I'd have to install it and I'm not about to do that. Suffice it to say I prefer the way WM and OE handle mail, but I can see the disadvantage for a family all using the same 'puter.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    Understood M8. We do have separate computers, but for various reasons, involving the use of printers etc, and security, all the email comes on to mine.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 - Build 6801 OR Windows Vista

    Any body know how to get this sidebar, well the gadgets are docked, but how do I get Desktop Gadget Gallery to work? My friend gets it to work, but I can't, it's the same installing ISO...
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    Read post # 1 ... you need to change the sidebar folder for the old Vista one.
      My Computer

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