Gadgets won't load on startup? Also, old vista stickynotes?

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  1. Posts : 4
    windows 7

    Error Message

    Hi All

    I hagve been recievin g the following error message on opening of WIN 7

    "Can't openAslO.sys!!(2)"

    What is the above all about and how do I correct it??

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,848
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations


    There are 3 ASUS programs below that seem to be related to this. If you have them installed, then uninstall them.

    1. PC Probe II
    2. EPU Six Engine
    3. ASUS AI Suite

    Also look in your startup programs list for a process entry named aaCenter. If there, either disable or remove it.

    Hope this helps,
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Manual load required for Gadgets on Windows startup?

    I have the same problem as the original poster, and I've spent hours trying to fix problem:

    Sidebar is checked in MSCONFIG, and is running in Task Manager, and my UAC settings are correct, but when I restart my computer, the Gadgets are not present on my desktop. Does Sidebar.exe even load the gadget GUI on startup?

    I feel like when I first used this PC as new that the Gadgets would automatically load at startup, and maybe I was messing with something and changed some configuration settings for Sidebar (but I may be confusing restart with hibernate...)

    Can gadgets load on desktop at startup (By that I mean the actual GUI, not the executible file)? If not, it seems pretty pointless to use gadgets such as the "Control System" gadget, because it would be much faster to shut down or restart from the start menu than to load gadget menu, load the control system gadget, then shut down or restart from that (after unlocking the controls in the first place).

    If gadgets can't load on startup, then I don't even want to use them. Prz help!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    Hello, it's my first post here.

    I've come across a registry workaround the other day, concerning the gadget loading issue.
    I cannot remember the link but I remember the tweak so here it is..
    (This reg tweak is all about Adding a new registry value NOT changing anything, so you have nothing to fear. you can undo it anytime if you want.)

    1. Start> type regedit, press Enter.
    2.Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Sidebar
    **>>If there is already a Key named "Settings" under "Sidebar" then skip 3 and 4 and go to
    step 5.
    3. Right click on Sidebar and select New > Key
    4.Name your new key as "Settings" (without the quotes).
    5.Having your new key (Settings) highlighted at the left pane, go to the right pane and right click at a blank area and select New> DWORD (32-bit) Value.
    6. Name the new value as "AllowElevatedProcess" (without the quotes).
    7. Right click on it and select "Modify"
    8.Give to "Value Data" Box the value: 1
    9.Press OK, close all windows, close registry editor, and Restart your computer.
    10. That's supposed to do the job.

    Give it a try.

    Now, I will ask for your help for a relative question..
    Really... where do the extra (manually installed) gadgets go?
    I mean.. they aren't found at "C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets" where the default gadgets are.
    So where are they been installed?? In which folder??? Anyone knows???

    Thank you! :)
    Last edited by nio707; 25 May 2010 at 15:21. Reason: correction
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 686
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1

    They are in your user folder, in a location which is hidden by default..

    C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    Thank you for this!!

    So what i did with this was:
    I moved all my gadgets from the User\....\gadgets\ folder to Program files\....\gadgets\ (I used cut-paste) then I opened the Gadgets panel and re-added them. Now with the UAC completely off, all the gadgets load but i still have to test it for a bigger period of time to see if they will load after every boot.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1

    Went through all the posts, found this one and it works. The screen DPI is set above 110 %. I had mine set at 120 to facilitate reading fonts. Set customized setting to 110 % and all the gadgets you tried to include will appear. Thanks to whomever for the input.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 111
    Windows 10 Pro

    here is the hot fix from MS that works the best for me
      My Computer

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