KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution

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  1. Posts : 173
    Windows 7 (XP, by Virtualization)

    KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution

    Hi Everyone,

    I am having an issue with screen resolution which is related to the use of a KVM switch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with my Windows 7 computer.

    When I boot into Windows 7 with the KVM switch set to my computer (e.g.: I watch the entire boot process from "white writing" to Windows loading) screen resolution remains at the setting that I chose (in my case 1280 x 1024).

    However if I boot my Windows 7 computer and it is not active on my KVM (e.g.: I don't see the boot up) and then I later switch to the computer the resolution on my monitor is lower (1024 x 768).

    This is an annoyance as all of my screen icons are moved around. Ideally I would like to be able to set Windows 7 to a screen resolution of 1280 x 768, and "lock it in" so that it loads with the desired screen resolution regardless of whether or not the Windows 7 computer is selected on my KVM.

    If you have any advice it will be greatly appreciated.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,344
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    As far as I know there is no fix for this problem.
    When you boot up a computer with a KVM switch that is not switched to on the KVM it does not know what monitor is attached and sets it to a default setting usually 1024x768.
    Your KVM switch sets the resolution and not your PC.
    The only way is to boot up one PC with the KVM switched to it then boot up the other one with the KVM switched to it (a real pain in the rear) that's why i did away with my KVM.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 53,395
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Kodi is correct. The PC will boot to the resolution of the PC it sees. You have to have the correct PC switched to while loading windows. Right up until the desktop starts to load. We all learned this the hard way :)

    A Guy
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 173
    Windows 7 (XP, by Virtualization)
    Thread Starter

    I have found a work around! :)

    Hi Guys,

    I have discovered a work around, it involves using a program called Carroll, http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/.../Carroll.shtml, to set the screen resolution. This program will restore the desired screen resolution on boot up. However it can only do so after the initial boot process, which typically occurs at a lower screen resolution. The result is a desktop at the right resolution but with icons in the wrong locations.

    To overcome the movement of icons it is possible to use a program called Fences, Stardock.com - Your Edge In Software,which keeps icons in the same place regardless of the screen resolution. Fences is also very handy when working with a Virtual Desktop (e.g.: Windows XP in Windows 7) environment for keeping icons in the right place when switching into and out of full screen mode.


      My Computer

  5. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I wrote a small application to fix that annoyance

    The app is running in the background and listening for any "changed resolution" event.
    When this event is triggerd by the system, The app will restore your resolution immediately.
    You need to define your resolution in the config.cfg file (just open in notepad).
    KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution Attached Files
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    WXP-32bit, W7-32bit, W10-32bit, W10-64bit,

    Thank you VERY much for the "Fixed Resolution App", which works very well with Windows 10, and has saved me the annoyance of having to repair my desktop icon and open window positioning each time I switch computers using the KVM. (Ironically, the problem doesn't occur for me when switching to W7). You should request a donation from each user. The program is well worth it. Toda rabba.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    A little update

    cdgoldin - Thanks!

    I've been asked to auto-set the screen refresh rate along with the resolution, so i added a third parameter to the config.cfg. Attached to this post is the updated version. For example, config.cfg will look like this:
    1680 1050 60
    (Resolution of 1680*1050 with refresh rate set to 60).

    Two other guys emailed me about some problems they having, "access denied" and "DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE", and i tried to help as far as i could .
    So i decided to upload the code to gitHub, this way others can improve this nice little app. Here it is.
    KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution Attached Files
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3
    windows 7 32 bit

    Your fix works on the resolution changes , however it running continuously is using like 15% of my i7 cpu resources. I didnt try your new update. Do you have this problem?It turns my i7 into like an i3.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    You're right!

    I just noticed that ! I'm working with this app in my work place, so i never needed the "horse power"...
    My update only added refresh rate... But it's the same app overall.
    In my case, the cpu is i3 and the app hogs 25%. So i believe that this is has to be related to the "Resolution has been changed" system event I'm registering to, maybe its checking it on every cpu cycle and that why it's eating 100% of a full core (and in my case i have 4 cores = 25%, you have 8 = 15%~).
    I'm going to check what i can do about it.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64


    This strange behavior caused by the method i used to hide the application main window. Now I'm using a different approach, and the cpu impact is between 0%-1%.
    Check the new version and tell me how it's working now
    KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution Attached Files
      My Computer

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