KVM switch, Windows 7 & changing screen resolution
Hi Everyone,
I am having an issue with screen resolution which is related to the use of a KVM switch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia with my Windows 7 computer.
When I boot into Windows 7 with the KVM switch set to my computer (e.g.: I watch the entire boot process from "white writing" to Windows loading) screen resolution remains at the setting that I chose (in my case 1280 x 1024).
However if I boot my Windows 7 computer and it is not active on my KVM (e.g.: I don't see the boot up) and then I later switch to the computer the resolution on my monitor is lower (1024 x 768).
This is an annoyance as all of my screen icons are moved around. Ideally I would like to be able to set Windows 7 to a screen resolution of 1280 x 768, and "lock it in" so that it loads with the desired screen resolution regardless of whether or not the Windows 7 computer is selected on my KVM.
If you have any advice it will be greatly appreciated.