Account picture and frame removal

  1. Posts : 1
    Win7 Home Premium

    Account picture and frame removal

    Hi there Windows 7 lovers.
    I'm struggling to find a way to remove my account picture&frame completely at the logon screen. I would like to remove it and still keep the "password box" there to sign in.

    Hope there is someone out there that can help.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,440
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    Scoplex said:
    Hi there win7 lovers.
    I'm struggling to find a way to remove my account picture&frame completely at the logon screen. I would like to remove it and still keep the "password box" there to sign in.

    Hope there is someone out there that can help.

    I think this is embedded within the Windows coding. I can't find a way for the user to delete the frame. You could, of course, create a "picture" using a plain color to match the screen background color but you would still have the frame. Is it that annoying to you really? It's not as if you view it for that long or that often :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 111
    W7 64 Bit

    A very different question indeed. I won't ask "why you want to hide a picture" but it is part of the operating system coding as mentioned by Mitchell. You cannot hide it but just visit the Control Panel, open User Accounts, click on the link Change my picture and choose another picture to your liking.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 190
    Windows 7


    Anyway, experience teaches us that messing with any part of the start up process is a really bad idea (unless you particularly like not being able to start Windows and going round in infinite loops!) so this is one of those rare occasions where even if I knew (which I can neither confirm nor deny) I wouldn't tell you. Whatever grief the current setting is giving you it is as nothing compared to the grief that probably will result from changing it!
      My Computer


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