XP drivers for DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card  

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    XP drivers for DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card

    Hey, this is an amazingly clear guide and I thank you so much for writing it, but I've got a problem that is only somewhat relative.

    The Network Adapter I'm using is a "DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card" and I can't find any Windows XP drivers for it. Without access to the internet, I can't do much of anything past step 6 of method 2 and I'm left with a computer that will only start to XP and can't connect to the internet. It's a good thing that I managed to get my system CDs from Dell... ha. Anyways, are there even any Windows XP drivers for the Network Adapter I'm using? I've looked around, but can't find any... Thanks ahead of time.

    EDIT: I managed to get my computer to dual boot Windows 7 and XP, but I still need help finding these drivers. I've already looked through google and used Dell online chat support, but neither helped much at all.
    Last edited by letol; 26 Aug 2010 at 02:03.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,500
    7 X64

    The Network Adapter I'm using is a "DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card" and I can't find any Windows XP drivers for it. Without access to the internet, I can't do much of anything past step 6 of method 2 and I'm left with a computer that will only start to XP and can't connect to the internet. It's a good thing that I managed to get my system CDs from Dell... ha. Anyways, are there even any Windows XP drivers for my Network Adapter? I've looked around, but can't find any... Thanks ahead of time.

    Check out http://driverpacks.net/driverpacks/w...x86/wlan/10.07
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    SIW2 said:
    The Network Adapter I'm using is a "DW1525 (802.11n) WLAN PCIe Card" and I can't find any Windows XP drivers for it. Without access to the internet, I can't do much of anything past step 6 of method 2 and I'm left with a computer that will only start to XP and can't connect to the internet. It's a good thing that I managed to get my system CDs from Dell... ha. Anyways, are there even any Windows XP drivers for my Network Adapter? I've looked around, but can't find any... Thanks ahead of time.

    Check out DriverPack WLAN 10.07 for Windows 2000/XP/2003 (x86) | DriverPacks.net
    I downloaded the pack, but I couldn't understand what half the files in the pack even were... There were just too many. Could you help me out a little?
      My Computer


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