Help With BIOS  

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  1. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Help With BIOS

    Not sure where to post but ive run out of otions. yahoo answers is filled with kids that tell me to do it from windows >.>
    either way i want to update my bios. i have never done this to this specific moherboard as its different " ASUS p5q Pro Turbo"
    i know how to use a USB and update from there but on the ASUS site for me at least its confusing as i do not know what to download.
    heres a screen:

    which ones do i download, i have downloaded the BIOS utilities which syas
    "Afudos BIOS update tool V2.36"
    would this be the one i download and place on the USB drive? or the ones in green. and if so which ones.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,726
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    The utility that you have dowloaded will allow you to flash the bios from within Windows. You will need to tell the utility which file to use. The bios update file you will use is the latest version (red arrow)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    thank you very much, is it safe to flash the bios from within windows as i have heard its a high chance of failure
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,726
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    No it should be fine. I've flashed many a Bios from within Windows. But under no circumstances should you turn off your computer when it is updating as this could have serious repercussions and could render your motherboard useless. Infact it is recommended to only flash your bios if you are having problems.

    -------------- If it ain't broke don't fix it ------------------- :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    And do not unplug the power source.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    yeah ive been having problems at boot where it gets stuck at loading the BIOS settings, and this all happened after a gpu driver update (catalyst 10.8)
    i restored the windows after about an hour but i just wanna make sure its ok
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    If you want to flash from DOS, you'll need to make a bootable usb stick, copy the bios file and AFUDOS utility to the root of the drive, then boot from the usb and run AFUDOS pointing at the bios file.

    If thats the way you want to do it, I can walk you through.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Bill2 said:
    If you want to flash from DOS, you'll need to make a bootable usb stick, copy the bios file and AFUDOS utility to the root of the drive, then boot from the usb and run AFUDOS pointing at the bios file.

    If thats the way you want to do it, I can walk you through.
    if its not too much trouble :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    Impulse Fire911 said:
    yeah ive been having problems at boot where it gets stuck at loading the BIOS settings, and this all happened after a gpu driver update (catalyst 10.8)
    Pure coincidence. If it is hanging at the bios Windows hasn't even started to load, so it can't be from the driver update.

    As far as flashing from within Windows goes I'm with PooMan on this one, Asus Update (which is the one you want) works very well. Just make sure to disable any AV you have running first, just so it can't get in the way. then it is just a matter of pointing Asus Update to the bios file, letting it to its thing and reboot when told to.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,056
    Windows 7 x64 pro/ Windows 7 x86 Pro/ XP SP3 x86

    1) Well, make up your mind, but to flash from usb, you first need to make sure that your computer is capable of booting from usb, then make a bootable usb stick. Follow the instructions on this tutorial.

    You can use any old stick lying around, even a 256 mb stick will do.

    2) Get inside your bios and set the boot priority order to boot from usb flash drive first, then press F10 to save and exit.

    3) Download the latest bios update file available (the red arrow in your snip) to your hard drive. If it is zipped, unzip it. Rename the unzipped BIOS file to 8 characters or less (ABCDEFG.ROM or whatever) and copy to the root of the newly Bootable USB Drive. Similarly, copy the afudos.exe utility to the root of the usb stick (Unzip the afudos, if it came zipped).

    4) Shutdown computer, plugin usb stick and power up the computer. If everything goes well, it should boot to the A:\ prompt. Type "dir" to see that both the files are available on the stick.

    Then type:

    Afudos /ixxxx.rom

    where xxxx.rom is your bios file. Dont forget the i after the /.

    5) Once the flash is complete, the computer will restart on its own or you may need to start manually. Make sure you disconnect the usb stick at the right moment otherwise the system will again boot to usb.
      My Computer

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