Looks like I'm stuck waiting on Logitech to join 2009 since no replies.
I had a quickcam a few years ago and got the same error "camera is in use" and there were 2 causes. one I installed the driver with the camera attached. At some point in the install it asks you to connect the camera (or it did back then). Second if I had their streaming driver installed it always took the resources so the camera saw another application using it. Not sure that any of this is relevant but
Good luck
Have you tried letting your computer go to sleep?
I am with you ... I have a weird problem too. It MAY be related to yours, For me it is my AUDIO.
Plugging in the camera - it works for a while - then all my audio functions cease to work. I.E. Control Panel>Sound will not open.
My latest discovery - if I plug in camera, wait for Control Panel>Sound to "not open" and THEN let the computer go into "sleep" mode - when the computer wakes from sleep ---- the Control Pane>Sound window opens immediately and audio function are restored - for a while - until the lock up again.
So..... there is some process that is not "sharing" very nicely.
Later, when I have time, I will try stopping individual services/startup programs until I find the offender. You could try the same.
Well, gonna go from 7100 -> 7201 this week, maybe that will help
hey all.. great forum.. thanks! Using the instructions here, I was able to get the quickam drivers and software working great. As is usual .. as new builds come out .. I update to them. I'm on 7201 now and immediately upon starting for the first time, I got the dreaded "This program is blocked due to compatibility issues." message. The program as it had been installed just didn't work any longer. Okay.. I uninstalled it.. and tried to go through the steps again with running the setup program in compatibility mode for Vista as administrator... which just isn't working.. I contiue to get that same message. Is there a way to tell Wondows to STOP blocking the program? Or is there another work around. Again.. following the above instructions from this board.. I got the drivers and software up and running perfectly on 7100.. now the DRIVERS still work.. software is being blocked.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Another Update: I can boot up with no camera plugged in, all audio functions fine. I plug the camera in and after a brief time all audio functions "hang" as described.
NOW..... If I click on Control Panel>Sound, nothing happens. I then start Sound Forge. The executable appears in the process list but does not "open". I then wait and let the computer go into "sleep" mode. When I "wake" the computer, voilą - immediately - the Control Panel>Sound window opens AND the Sound Forge window opens. All audio functions are working.... for a while... then the audio function "hang" again.
I hope some Logitech person is reading this thread....
P.S. This happens even if I use MSCONFIG to disable all startups and non-MS services.
Last edited by Muad Dib; 13 Jun 2009 at 14:34.
Good news. As of 06-16-09 Logitech has updated software for Vista x64. I installed it on win 7 build 7232 x64 and it workd like a charm.
Last edited by sansor; 16 Jun 2009 at 21:56. Reason: error in release date