I also installed the new Quickcam SW (Logitech Webcam Software with Vid dated 160609) on Win7 x64 RC.
Still there are some side-effects: The process in Win7 providing support for the desktop gadget crashes permanently.
Recent Avast! free edition antivirus software doesn't run anymore since MFC71.dll is missing on the computer
Both problems can be solved:
Repair Avast! installation
Stop and Disable the Process Monitor Service from Logitech (used for the Avatars when using the Webcam) and the desktop gadgets are back again.
Hope someone from Logitech will read that.
Cheers, Oblomow
where do you get this new drivers? it doesnt show any drivers for me on logitech page...
I visited the US-Webside of Logitech selected my Webcam (Logitech Spere or something) and downloaded the new Logitech Webcam Software with VID (A video new conferencing system).
On Win7 x64 RC I started the archive by double clicking on it and do a normal install.
During the install the Windows Service for Desktop applications crashes and needs to be closed. Since in the last version (quick cam 11.91 the whole windows explorer crashes), I know the workaround: Search for Services in the Win Search Box, start the applet as Admin.
Look for the Process Monitor / Injector Service LVPrcS64 from Logitech - It has something to do that you can have video conferences where you got different avatars aplied to your face. Stop that service and disable it and reboot - After next startup the desktop applets should work again.
An if you also run Avast! free antivirus sw - Start the uninstaller for Avast in Programs and Features Control Panel and select Repair - Next Reboot necessary.
After that everything seems okay with the webcam and Win7.
Best Regards,
Sincerely yours Oblomow
thing is i have all links to drivers in favorites. And i get message that there is no software avilable for quickcam 9000, tryed like half of other cameras, eather i get "no software", choice for ONLY windows2000 or where i get links for other oses as well i get offered version 11.5 :P what is latest version avilable btw? i do have 11.9 but thats few months old already...
Right click on the install kit and select "Run as Administrator".
The install works fine this way on v7127 64 bit. Be sure to disable the Process Monitor service after install.
Still does not fix my audio "hang" problem.....
This weekend I WILL figure out why my setup has this problem and nobody else does..... yeah that's the ticket.... be overconfident....![]()
Here's what I did.
-First unplug your camera.
-Uninstall all logitech drivers and software related to your camera.
-Go to the US Logitech website:,en?osid=13
- Download the software, "Logitech Webcam Software with Vid" ver. 1.0
for Vista x 64.
-Right click the program you downloaded: "lws100_x64.exe", click "properties", go to "compatibility" tab, check "run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows Vista (Service Pak 2), check "run as administrator", ckick OK.
-Right click the program, select "Run as Administrator" and let the program run. Plug in your camera when it ask's you to, let the program finish.
-I was good to go at that point, you may want to re-boot after the program finishes.
Hope this helps.
Update: Houston, the Eagle has landed.
Windows 7 v7127 64 bit
Quickcam Pro 9000
I installed the newest driver from Logitech, lws100_x64. This version includes the new Logitech "Vid" software. The installation went without a hitch. It is a FULL installation and thus far all camera options/functions appear to be working fine with just the Logitech software loaded. I have not tested the Vid option as I do not know anyone who has it installed.
Kudos to the Logitech team!
However, when I install Skype 4.0 I am back to the same problem of the audio functions "hanging" as described. I have not been able to determine WHICH process that gets loaded/started with Skype causes the conflict. It is the same symptom: Audio works briefly; Audio functions (Sound Panel, etc) lock or hang; Put system into Sleep mode; Wake System; Audio functions work briefly.
After I Uninstall Skype the problem stops, so it is definitely Skype related.
One more piece in the puzzle..... :)
Update to the Update:
Everything seems to be working fine now. To resolve the problem I was having with my audio I did the following:
1) Uninstalled Skype, Logitech Vid, Logitech WebCam Software. Logitech Drivers, Realtek HD Audio Driver, ATI Radeon CCC and Drivers.
2) Ran CCleaner registry cleaner and file cleaner
3) Manually deleted Logitech Vid entries in registry.
4) Upgraded from Windows 7 v7127 x64 to v7232 x64
2) Re-installed ATI Radeon CCC and Drivers, Realtek Audio Driver, Logitech Webcam Sofware, Drivers and Vid, Skype
So I still don't know exactly what caused the problem I was having, only that it appears to be gone. Such is the nature of dealing with pre-release, v1.0 and beta software. 'Nuff said.
FYI: I did have to uninstall and re-install the Logitech Gaming Software after the above steps to get a wired Rumblepad 2 controller working again.
Again, thanks to Logitech for the new driver and to SevenForums for a great information source!