PLEASE HELP!! Memory Card Reader issues after upgrading to Windows 7.
I am not a computer tech or anything of that sort, so please bare with me.
I have a Sony VIAO (VGN-FZ140E). I just recently upgraded from Vista Home Premium to a 7 x64. I am fully aware that MANY other people have been having the same problems (plus camera and touchpad issues). I scoured over the forum/internet, found drivers, but am still having issues.
I tried installing the Vista Memory Card Driver - to no avail (I had heard some drivers were still compatible, so I gave it a try).
I found a driver that was named "Memory Card Reader Writer Driver (TI) 2.0R -" installed it but that didn't make it work. I even tried rebooting my computer (and also reinstalling the driver). I've read that other people have installed this and it has worked. Am I just doing something wrong? Am I missing a step?
When that didn't work, I found a link on this forum that lead me to another zip file, containing all of the laptop's drivers: When I opened that file, there was no "setup" or "install" application under the folder listed as "Memory Card Reader". I looked in other folders and there were "setup/install" apps.... so I'm confused as to why this folder did not have it.
I am running out of options (and patience for that matter). ANY input will be greatly appreciated!!!