Creative 1.3 mb webcam driver for Dell inspiron 1545  

  1. Posts : 1
    32bit win 7 home premium

    Creative 1.3 mb webcam driver for Dell inspiron 1545

    Can anyone help. I have just upgraded my Dell Inspiron 1545 from Vista 32 bit to Windows 7 32 bit home premium. However there is no driver for the built in Creative webcam and it no no longer is seen or works. There is no driver on dell support under windows 7 drivers and there is only a vista driver which does not work when installed on windows 7. Can any one help me to find a suitable driver that works.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,243
    win 7 ultimate32bit, Win8.1pro wmc 32bit

    Hi gellhorn, welcome to the forums, have you tried loading the Vista driver you have in compatibility mode ? Compatibility Mode
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3

    gellhorn said:
    Can anyone help. I have just upgraded my Dell Inspiron 1545 from Vista 32 bit to Windows 7 32 bit home premium. However there is no driver for the built in Creative webcam and it no no longer is seen or works. There is no driver on dell support under windows 7 drivers and there is only a vista driver which does not work when installed on windows 7. Can any one help me to find a suitable driver that works.
    The Inspiron 1545 laptop web cam was killed by the installation the windows 7 upgrade on top of Vista. I fixed mine by removing the top 4 screws that hold the bezel to the display and gaining enough room to unplug the web cam cable with a small flat blade screw driver. Startup the laptop with the camera unplugged and after a few minutes do a normal shut down. Reconnect the camera cable and restart windows again. Wait a few more minutes and windows will discover the camera and install the right windows drivers. Install the 4 screws and you are done.
      My Computer


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