[How to] How do i update my BIOS  

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  1. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Unless you have a specific reason for updating your bios, ( When the manufacturer has issued a new revison to allow some other hardware to be run for instance ), there is no point at all in doing it, and there is always a risk when "flashing" a BIOS.

    If you are getting BSOD ( Blue Screens Of Death) then you need to find out why.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 + Ubuntu 10.10
    Thread Starter

    Mike Connor said:
    Unless you have a specific reason for updating your bios, ( When the manufacturer has issued a new revison to allow some other hardware to be run for instance ), there is no point at all in doing it, and there is always a risk when "flashing" a BIOS.

    If you are getting BSOD ( Blue Screens Of Death) then you need to find out why.

    Regards....Mike Connor
    Finally made up my mind & did it, I've updated my BIOS from F3 to F11, I have no issues as such, as of now..!!!

    Though I was bitting my nails for those 60 secs & was praying that everthin goes well..!!!

    Thanks MiKe CoNNoR & all other..!!! :)

    Issue solved, request to the MOD to close the thread..!!!
      My Computer

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