Win 7 BSOD: driver_IRQL-not_lesser_or_equal  

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Build 7000

    Win 7 BSOD: driver_IRQL-not_lesser_or_equal

    So after a full install of Windows 7 Beta build 7000 and fully activated I got a bsod that says: drivers_IRQL-not_lesser_or_equal, I went on google to see some issue but coldn't find out anything.

    On the computer everything seems perfect but once I start to transfer files over from an external Hard drive after a few minutes that happens. So I then wanted to see if it happens by other means and turns out it didn't have anything to do with me transferring files because when I was in contol panel adjusting settings it happend again. So after the full install I installed Norton Internet Security 2009 and then Itunes. When I first installed itunes I was having a few troubles, it didn't install Quicktime player so Itunes couldn't open, so I installed quicktime and Itunes opened and began to work but shortly after the bsod pops up. Then today it was perfect then all of a sudden bsod. When it goes blue it just automatically restarts. The computer is an newer IBM laptop and windows update downloaded all the drivers for bothe the laptop and the lcd screen so it seems like all is good to go.

    So the only software installed is Norton and itunes and my Buffalo Harddrive software which enables me to connect to my network hard drive over the network.

    Any ideas??

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    How did you activate it, if it was a hack maybe that is the problem and did you use any hacks to remove watermarks or send feedback, that may also be a factor or possibly some sort of Malware.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 rtm

    I have had this problem before in xp what i recommend doing is rebooting your computer in to safe mode and uninstall all of your hardware drivers sounds crazy i know but what fixed it for me was i had to uninstall my network card before it would work again so give that a try
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Usually it's a driver issue. Have you run WinDBG?

    Debugging Tools for Windows - Overview

    You should look at one of your most recent minidumps. It will lead you to the fix. I had an issue with some Broadcom NIC drivers. Windows installed a new version via Windows Update, but I kept getting BSODs. I then went to Broadcom's website and downloaded and installed a more recent driver. I'm finally running smooth.

    If I were to guess.....I would say look for newer chipset drivers. What is the brand/model of your motherboard?
      My Computer


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