DVD/CD driver problem
hi all,
so, im trying to rid my computer of the horried OS known as vista, the only problem is that as soon as i select the language and keyboard it comes up with a loading screen saying "starting setup" or something along those lines, straight after that it shows a screen asking for CD/DVD drivers (which dont exist as far as i know) with no way of continuing without them i dont know what to do
i have seen this thread posted a few times on multiple sites but never found a actual fix.
normaly i would just install from disc, not from boot but i need to change my HDD's partions
there is also a slight diffrence in cercumstances from most people too, a few days ago my pc's DVD burner decided to stop reading disk's properly, and the only way for my pc to boot from disk is by a new cd drive (i dont have a large enough flash drive) so i got a Sony plug 'n' play USB DVD writer and so after starting the W7 pro disc this error starts.
Any ideas? please?