Microsoft Hardware Support For Windows 7 RC
If you are running the Windows 7® Release Candidate, the following information will help you select the correct Microsoft Hardware beta software.
For the best Microsoft Hardware device and software performance, it’s essential to install all of the important and recommended Windows updates from the Windows Update site.
This table contains the Microsoft Hardware support information for Windows 7 RC. Please read the release notes before installing the software.
The following table lists the software you will need to install to support Microsoft Hardware products that are available today for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The notes column contains late-breaking information and additional details that you will need to read and reference in order to install the software. Please read the notes before you install the software. Product Release Notes include information about 32-bit and 64-bit products wherever appropriate.
via Microsoft Hardware Support for the Windows® 7 RC Release
@John: sorry but the FP software is under
Please see the list below for information regarding software compatible with beta versions of Windows 7 for products that are no longer currently sold through our partners.
Last edited by Airbot; 14 May 2009 at 12:19. Reason: updated..