Crash of all USB-Ports...  

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  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    USB devices crashing machine

    Had this same issue for quite some time. I have been told it's everything from no 7 chipset drivers to bad externals(not likely all devices would fail at once.

    Anyway, there is a workaround on technet that reduces any ram over 4gb to 2. I tried it and I was able to copy large amounts of data to USB but what's the point? There's a reason I bought 4gb system.

    One thing I have noticed, in virtually every forum throughout the net and MS, all the people I recall reporting the problem have nforce nvidia chipsets. Nvidia-at least for laptops-doesn't release chipset drivers for notebooks except to the OEM's as they are very specific to the different models. For me that's HP and in my case, the chipset driver (nforce 630 m) is two years old.

    Can anyone report whether turning off the USB selective power setting worked? This thread is the first I have seen that poss solution.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate Retail x64

    Problem solved!!!!! I'm going on hour 9 or 10 with no issues. Earlier I copied an 8GB folder off a USB hdd while listening to an iTunes podcast and downloading stuff on my USB wifi adapter which previously was a recipe for the crash. So I'm calling case closed. The catch, I did 3 things earlier that could each be the fix. I do suspect the ACPI drivers(#3) was the actual fix and at some point I'll go back and re-enable the selective suspend and see if the problem re-appears.

    1. One was to disable 'USB selective suspend setting' in the advanced power settings.

    2. I also made sure I had the latest bios update from Asus. I was two behind.

    3. Finally I updated ACPI driver from the PC Probe II software package that Asus had recently updated. To be clear I did not install the PC Probe II software but actually did a manual driver update and pointed windows directly to the 64bit Win7 ACPI folder. You can find the latest software updates at this site which should include the latest version of the PCProbeII software.
    Last edited by tekchip; 28 Oct 2009 at 23:09. Reason: Added details.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Enterprise

    USB Ports hosed

    I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise and I, too, am having a problem with the USB ports. If I plug a USB thumb drive in, the system seems to take forever to recognize it and bring up the explorer screen. If I try to copy something either to or from the drive, the system just seems to go into some sort of limbo where everything becomes very delayed. Sometimes it even causes Windows Explorer to have to restart. This isn't isolated to one particular thumb drive (and they all work fine when plugged in to my XP machine.

    I had a similar problem last winter with Vista on a completely different machine. It started wanting drivers for everything that was USB connected, including thumb drives. I finally had to reload the system.
      My Computer

  4.   My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    fedora and 7

    get rid of from System32\DriverStore\FileRepository and from \inf and all is well. you should check your update history for the date and also 'try' to uninstall from installed updates. It did not work and regedit and the above was required. you have to icacles the driverstore or cheat with linux!
      My Computer

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