Crash of all USB-Ports...  

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  1. Posts : 3
    XP, Vista (x64/x86), Windows 7

    Crash of all USB-Ports...

    Greetings, Sevenforum

    First of all I would like to excuse for my rusty english... Passed some time since I last wrote something completely in english ;-)

    I'm using the x86 version of Build 7000 and I'm very fascinated of how it works already in this beta-stage. But I have a strange crashing-issue from time to time that does not allow me further testing.

    From time to time all of my USB-ports seem to block everything: my usb-soundcard stops working, my wireless-adapter, my external hd, everything that's plugged-in into an usb-port stops working.
    It happens when I'm using my Soundcard, Videocard or both of them: playing games, watching DvDs, browsing youtube, listening to music, etc.
    When I'm trying to reboot, the os will stuck in the logging-off-screen 'cause it's trying to play the logoff-sound over my soundcard...

    Here is what I tried so far:
    - reinstalling the OS (twice actually)
    - removing all my usb-devices and testing which one causes the error (It's not the sound-card, which was my first thought, neither the hd nor the wireless-stick)
    - trying different drivers for soundcard, videocard, motherboard
    - throwing my computer out of the window (not really, but it nearly happened yesterday ;-))

    Has someone else here an idea to fix that issue?

    Many thanks in advance and have a nice evening!

    The Q

    System specs

    * Shuttle xpc SN24P
    * nforce 4 AMD ultra
    * AMD 64x2 4400+
    * Asus en8600GT
    * 4gb RAM

    * Soundblaster Audigy 2nx
    * D-Link DWL-G132
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    You might want to try narrowing it down by removing one item at a time so that you can see what is causing the problem. Also when you installed the drivers did you use compatibility mode.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    XP, Vista (x64/x86), Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    thank you for your fast answer =)

    to your first input: that's exactly what I tried first after reinstalling my system for the second time. disconnected all - error occurs, connected wireless-adapter - error occurs, disconnected wireless-adapter/connected soundcard - error occurs, and so on...

    and yes, I installed it all in compatibility-mode for Vista =)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    Well I would suggest that you send Microsoft some feedback on your problem so they can make sure it's fixed before the final release, after all this is a beta and that's the whole reason for using it, so we can make sure they get it right this time. Sorry I can't help you further but don't give up someone with a similar setup may have found the answer to your problem, Good luck.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    XP, Vista (x64/x86), Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    I'll do as you command!
    just kidding ;-) thanks for trying to help me and I'll keep the post updated if I find a solution.

    The Q
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit

    Hmm I am probably wrong, but maybe it has something to do with power profiles, i remember going into profile settings and seeing some option about turning on/off usb power saving ( i can't remember the exact name of this option ) and I thought it maybe reduces the frequency with which the os polls the usb ports...maybe
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    I had similar problem, only that my computer completely crashed when plugging in USB devices after a while.

    I did this, right click on power logo in tray, select power options and go for "Change plan settings". There is "change advanced power settings", which has USB settings - usb selective suspend setting. Turned that off..

    Now waiting if it corrected my problem. What does that setting do? anyone knows?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    From USB Selective Suspend

    The USB selective suspend feature allows the hub driver to suspend an individual port without affecting the operation of the other ports on the hub. Selective suspension of USB devices is especially useful in portable computers, since it helps conserve battery power. Many devices, such as finger readers and other kinds of biometric scanners, only require power intermittently. Suspending such devices selectively reduces power consumption. More importantly, as long as any USB device remains powered, it will prevent the system from entering deeper sleep states, such as C3. The Windows selective suspend behavior is different for devices operating in Windows XP and Windows Vista.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    Windows 7 build 7000

    I have that problem to, not often but sometimes it happens. USB mice stops working, pluging and unpluging wouldn't help at all. Checked USB HDD - same thing, it got power but after a while turns itself off. Only solution I have right now for this is a restart - after everything works fine.

    Seems like a little bigger problem. Also, what can be important I often use Sleep (much more useful on lappy) so system run times are about 48 hours.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 24
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    I'm having the same problem as the OP:

    Data transfer over USB causes Windows to hang, CPU spike, and then crash. I've updated to build 7232 and the problem still exists. This is true with both my iPhone, and even my Linksys WUSB600N - a wireless NIC.

    It seems to ONLY happen with OUTBOUND data - either copying data to my iPhone, or uploading things (say via P2P).

    If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know! I'd love to see this one get fixed.
      My Computer

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