Ok,. got it back, found the driver file, deleted it, so now exactly what should I do?
Ok,. got it back, found the driver file, deleted it, so now exactly what should I do?
I rebooted, but windows didn't update automatically, nor did updates do anything after I ran it.
should I just right click on the reader and tell it to update the driver since Windows isn't doing it automatically, or should I try to find TrueSuite first and install it, or will that happen when the drivers update?
yeah, I gave up and did what I asked, looks like I have the new drivers and new version of TrueSuite now. I will re-enroll my prints and see what happens.
well first time failed. So I came back in and repeated the process. I noticed with this version of TrueSuite, every finger you enroll, you have to type your password for it, is that normal?
I think I'm going to be disappointed. I think this will turn out to be a huge waste of time, and I think Authentec is full of sh*t, and so is their support personnel. I think TPM is going to be need to make this work with the 64 bit systems, regardless of what Authentec said.
yeah this crap didn't work. I'm done. Those a$$holes at authentec don't know $hit from shinola.
I'm sure your correct about the TPM. I'm going to crawl up Asus' lying a$$es and make them fix this, or so help me God, I'm going to sue their collective, misleading, false advertising a$$es and make them wish they had spent the $5 to put the TPM module in this damn thing.