HELP 64bit modem adsl driver problem  

  1. Posts : 10
    Seven 64bit

    HELP 64bit modem adsl driver problem

    i have a HAMLET HDSL640 USB MODEM ADSL and there are only drivers for 32bit that don't work with seven 64bit
    there are no installation with these drivers, only the drivers that canět be installed on 64bit
    there are solution or not?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    Well welcome to the Se7enforums just the same! djsolidsnake86

    You are going through the same dilemna I had some time back of never being able to get online with any Linux distro long before Vista even with an old dsl setup here. The last update for that was seen in 2002 for 98-XP compatibility. The ISP saw a change here fortunately before the Release Candidates were available since I have multiple 64bit installations!

    The first place to start with the modem there is at the manufacturer's own support site to see they released any Vista 64bit updates. The old 32bit drivers for the dsl setup here worked on the 32bit 7 but not the 64bit. Even after going with a new ISP the modem they provided lacked 64bit drivers when looked into where a new one was bought separately! You may have to make a few changes due to these problems in order to get online with any 64bit Windows.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 10
    Seven 64bit
    Thread Starter

    there are no new drivers on the site, only for xp 32 bit
    i think that there are no solution
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,111
    Win7 Build 7600 x86

    Best advice I can give you is to buy an ethernet modem/router.

    It's faster, it's safer, and it doesn't depend on any driver.

    Further more you'll be able to login the modem/router and configure and tweak it exactely the way you want it.

    And they are very cheap nowadays.

    If you need help on finding a good one for little money, just yell.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    That will depend on ISP's setup there. I went through all this stuff not too long ago when not being able to connect with the 64bit beta build until simply chenging ISPs entirely! Depending on the type of setup you may find yourself limited on options!

    Even when swapping ISPs here the modem they provided was also "worthless"! That was also some older outdated piece of crap modem! GGrrrr.... I was able to look up "their list" of supported cable modems and get things going here due to the update type of connection.

    Hopefully you can do the same there! Keep your fingers crossed.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 2,111
    Win7 Build 7600 x86

    Night Hawk said:
    That will depend on ISP's setup there. I went through all this stuff not too long ago when not being able to connect with the 64bit beta build until simply chenging ISPs entirely! Depending on the type of setup you may find yourself limited on options!

    Even when swapping ISPs here the modem they provided was also "worthless"! That was also some older outdated piece of crap modem! GGrrrr.... I was able to look up "their list" of supported cable modems and get things going here due to the update type of connection.

    Hopefully you can do the same there! Keep your fingers crossed.
    Luckily he has ADSL. Any advanced modem/router will work.

    ISP often provide limited crap, especially usb modems, but a linksys can handle any exotic setup.

    The thing he has to check is if it's annex-a or b
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,375
    W7 Ultimate x64/W10 Pro x64/W11 Pro Triple Boot - Main PC W7 Remote PC Micro ATX W7 Pro x64/W11 Pro

    squonksc said:
    Luckily he has ADSL. Any advanced modem/router will work.

    ISP often provide limited crap, especially usb modems, but a linksys can handle any exotic setup.

    The thing he has to check is if it's annex-a or b
    That's interesting since the Linksys wired G type router refuses to connect through the modem while the activity between pc, nic card, and router is solid. And that's with an ethernet connection.

    The wireless usb adapter also saw activity between the three while a large red X was still present between modem and router.
      My Computers


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