Phone driver issue  

  1. Posts : 48
    Windows Seven Ultimate x64

    Phone driver issue

    Okay, this is an odd one, my computer and my phone have historically always played nice, I did all the jail-breaking and such on this laptop, no problems, I transferred files and again nothing wrong. Then one day my computer will not recognize my phone, it shows up in device manager with a yellow triangle and just says "Android Phone" I've uninstalled the HTC drivers, reinstalled, done an sfc scan, sometimes I can temporarily get it to work by hand picking the driver, but today even that's not working. I'm at a loss. I know it's not the phone since all the other computers connect to it just fine, but I would like to still be able to connect with this PC. Also, the messages don't change if I use a different cord, or if I turn USB debugging on/off, use different USB ports, or any of that.

    When I plug it in, it says installing device driver, but then that fails.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    Try PdaNet+ and FoxFI for best drivers and Android support for PC.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 48
    Windows Seven Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    dsperber said:
    Try PdaNet+ and FoxFI for best drivers and Android support for PC.
    That would be helpful if I needed to tether an non-rooted phone. My phone tethers just fine, it's not internet I'm having trouble connecting with, it's the files on my phone.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    squat251 said:
    dsperber said:
    Try PdaNet+ and FoxFI for best drivers and Android support for PC.
    That would be helpful if I needed to tether an non-rooted phone. My phone tethers just fine, it's not internet I'm having trouble connecting with, it's the files on my phone.
    The product includes driver support for the phone to show up in Windows Explorer (uniquely for both internal storage as well as external SD card storage).

    So having nothing to do with WiFi or USB tether or whatever, simply to be able to get to the phone from the PC for drag/drop and straightforward Explorer access, this is also what's provided.

    I had originally tried out the Kies software from Samsung, but uninstalled it as far too "intrusive" and "for dummies". I just wanted to be able to get to the phone from Windows. And then I learned about Sprint's $20/month to activate WiFi hotspot from the G4, something which is free from PdaNet+ and FoxFI (along with USB tether capability as well).
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 48
    Windows Seven Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    dsperber said:
    squat251 said:
    dsperber said:
    Try PdaNet+ and FoxFI for best drivers and Android support for PC.
    That would be helpful if I needed to tether an non-rooted phone. My phone tethers just fine, it's not internet I'm having trouble connecting with, it's the files on my phone.
    The product includes driver support for the phone to show up in Windows Explorer (uniquely for both internal storage as well as external SD card storage).

    So having nothing to do with WiFi or USB tether or whatever, simply to be able to get to the phone from the PC for drag/drop and straightforward Explorer access, this is also what's provided.

    I had originally tried out the Kies software from Samsung, but uninstalled it as far too "intrusive" and "for dummies". I just wanted to be able to get to the phone from Windows. And then I learned about Sprint's $20/month to activate WiFi hotspot from the G4, something which is free from PdaNet+ and FoxFI (along with USB tether capability as well).
    For giggles (I already have free tether) I tried it, installer fails because it can't handshake with phone.
      My Computer


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