Thanks, I'll manage with the language thing. Most of wht I'm interested in are numbers and I can decipher a lot from where the information is location on the screen or window.
Too bad about the display language, I'm not sure why it didn't stick. But that's not why you posted.
Hey, you grabbed a window - cool.
Can you post the Plate tab (2nd one - Driver)
Depending on the version, I might ask you to uninstall it - but not yet.
Screen capture hint# 3: if you change Paint properties to 40 x 40 all of that white space goes away (you might have to save a 'dummy' file for it to stick.
I'd also like to see what folders exist on your C:\ drive that are related to AMD
Open a Command Prompt
Windows Key (next to ctrl) +R
enter cmd in Run box
in Cmd type
dir /a:d /s C:\AMD > Downloads\AMDfolders.txt
dir /a:d /s C:\ATI* >> Downloads\AMDfolders.txt
Not the two >> on the second line
Please attach the AMDfolders.txt file (use the paperclip icon on the posting menu)
Ok, after I see the directory (folder) list, we can start to change things so that AMD isn't so picky about installing an update.
I'll be away from the machine for a bit.
Here is the fileAMDfolders.txt
Some of it is in french, I apologize for the inconvenience, if I can be of any help just say the word.
Thanks, don't worry about the French, I will ask if I get stuck.
it looks as though the AMD folder tree is still there, but there's noting under it.
02/07/2014 12:15 AM <REP> 14-4-win7-win8-win8.1-32-dd-ccc-whql
Were there no ATI folders - try searching in Windows
Navigate to the C:\ drive in Explorer and type the following in the Explorer search box
kind:=Folder ATI
there is usually an ATI folder in ProgramData
Before I give you the nitty-gritty details, could you tell me why you were updating your display driver. Or was it another component of AMD. Windows does a fair job of providing stable drivers through Windows Update (WU). I went back and looked at the image you posted and that driver appears to have been delivered through WU.
Was there a specific issue you were trying to solve or were you updating because there was a newer version on AMD?
I also have an HP machine and they don't seem to update the driver offerings much after the first year. I used to go to the various component vendor's sites to get updates. Most of the time the update was trivial (a German language change) that had little effect on the machine operation. So I stopped doing it and let Windows Update give me drivers - sure they might be out of date, but they're stable.
I gave up on AMD after every install was a lot of work. I really didn't need the update - my display was fine. But that's my machine and my experience.
You have a good driver on your machine. I'm just wondering if you should go through all the headache ot put the latests and "greatest" AMD driver on your box.
Think about the need to update the driver. It might be worthwhile to update Catalyst Install Manager (CIM), but a lot of that is fluff (Catalyst Control Center - CCC is a good example, it's only really useful if you overclock... otherwise it wastes resources and has caused issues on some machines).
It's getting late here, so go ahead and download Driver Fusion, but don't run it.
Download and install the free Driver Fusion (Trexy)
This will remove driver remnants, but take your time - it's a general purpose utility not an AMD specific utility.
There were a few warnings when I downloaded it (smart filter and defender asked me "Are you sure") - just answer yes or close the download bar when it has finished downloading.
Make sure you install the free version - I got lots of prompts to upgrade to premium. Read the screens and say "No thanks" to any prompt or check mark regarding upgrading.
Manual - mostly premium, most won't be used in this exercise. But if you're interested.Driver Fusion Manual: About
This is where you will be headed to clean up the AMD Display driver. The page shows premium, but it still shows the area you want to be.
Don't answer yes to delete - change the view from grid to details (list on a page icon) and post a screen shot.
Driver Fusion Manual: Driver family
I was trying to play world of warcraft when they asked me to update my out of date driver to avoid any issues within the game, it's pretty much because of that, I haven't had any issues or anything like that asides from trying to install the up to date driver. Regarding the location of the ATI files, i don't really get how to look for them, could you explain it to me again, i can't seem to find the french equivalent of what you,re asking me to look for (Windows navigate). Regardless of the outcome, I thank you for your time and patience Bill.
Ok, I see now - WoW suggested you update the driver.
I was expecting some results from this cmd
dir /a:d /s C:\ATI* >> Downloads\AMDfolders.txt
but there was nothing in the output file. Perhaps nothing exists.
That's why I suggested a search of C:\ in Windows Explorer
Navigate to the C:\ drive in Explorer and type the following in the Explorer search box
kind:=Folder ATI
there is usually an ATI folder in ProgramData
I changed the search parameter to eliminate finding the Side-by-Side (SxS) folders (Windows way of managing dlls - not important for this exercise, but thought ... language!... tech language! )
In Windows Explorer search box type (or copy the line and paste it into the search box)
NOT must be capitalized:
To make the cleanup of the driver easier, you'll need to change Windows Update so that it does not install updates automatically (you don't want Windows to update the AMD driver while you are trying to update the AMD driver :)) This means that you'll be notified of updates and have to click the install button when there is something to update. Many members prefer WU that way, it gives more control over what gets installed on your machine.
Launch Windows Update and pick Change Settings on the left hand menu
After you configure Windows Update, check Control panel > Programs and features for AMD - uninstall it if there.
Open Device manager and uninstall the display driver (plate tab on properties page for the device). If it prompts (or there is a checkbox) for software removal - remove the software as well. Otherwise Windows will reinstall the driver. If there isn't - just confirm the removal.
Restart the machine and continue uninstalling the display driver until you get to the base MS driver (std VGA).
You screen resolution should be quite bad - large icons, perhaps fuzzy text. This is ok - you took the driver off and the lowest quality settings are being used.
Restart the machine (might not be necessary, but my rule is hardware changes = restart)
I can't think of any other cleanup steps, so after driver fusion, you should be able to update AMD.
Download the AMD package (if you haven't already) so it is ready to install.
Next you can run Driver Fusion, but let me go through that with you, screenshot by screen shot (let me see what you see). It's a newer version than I used before and it might not be intuitive... it wasn't to me when I fired it up.
Please tell me the full HP model so I can check the HP site for information.
HP Desktop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU@ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz is not enough to determine the model.
Should be on the case somewhere - maybe a sticker on the back.
Don't post anything other than the model and sub model number
For example, my machine is a Pavilion dv6-c610us laptop, not just dv6.