Reinstall Graphics Driver from Command Line?  

  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 7

    Reinstall Graphics Driver from Command Line?

    I have a Lanix Win7 laptop which starts to boot and then goes to a grey screen. I can boot the Windows 7 system repair disk, and a Knoppix Recovery CD I have, from the optical drive, and things including graphics look fine, so I think the machine itself is working.

    I can download the (Intel) driver for this system from the Lanix website, and I can boot the Win7 system repair disk and get a command prompt, but I've never installed a graphics driver from the command prompt. The zip file for the downloaded driver includes a .inf file, which seems to invoke a setup.exe, also in the zip file. The zip file also includes .dlls and other stuff I assume constitute the driver. My questions are:

    -Whats the form of the command to install the driver from the command prompt (I believe Win7 is on the D: drive when booted to the command line)?

    -Will the install overwrite the installed (bad) graphics driver, or do I need to remove it prior to the new install?

    -Is there an easier way to do this, like causing the system to revert to some standard VGA driver, and then booting in some presumably low resolution Win7 graphics interface, from which I can install the correct driver per "normal" procedures?

    Thx, Gus
      My Computer

  2. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit

    I am not entirely sure, but you need to have the graphics adapter active during the driver installation, and it is not active in command prompt.

    It is not active in Safe mode, too. You may try to boot in Safe mode. Use display driver uninstaller there to uninstall teh display driver.

    Now try to boot back normally. If display was the issue, then you can boot to windows noe, with generic display driver vgapnp active.

    In that position you may try to install the other version of the display driver.

    Let us know how everything goes and what it resulted.
      My Computer


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