Ethernet interface drivers  

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 64 bit pro

    Ethernet interface drivers


    I have an HP Pavilion g Series laptop. I formatted its disk after destroying it s/w in its previous incarnation. Silly me.
    I installed Windows 7 64 bits Pro from a generic installation DVD. All fine but...
    It does not seem to be able to talk to its built-in ethernet adaptor. It cannot join the wired Ethernet network.
    Wrong driver(s)?
    SO... how do I go about finding and installing the correct drivers for my laptop? Probably simple but I am not too deeply into this aspect of OSes.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 638
    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    Assuming you don't have the installation CDs it might have come with, you should be able to find what you need here:

    HP Pavilion g6 Series drivers

    I have never used it but it's been around awhile and gets good reviews as to safety.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 64 bit pro
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for that. Two supplementary questions:
    • of all these downloads should I choose?
    • Do these downloads yield an executable that I can then copy to my laptop to execute? (Don't forget my laptop has no contact with my Ethernet - the entire reason for this query.)


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 305
    Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

    NOT sure your exact model.

    HP web still offers drivers for HP Pavilion g6-1000 Notebook PC series (could be compatible with your laptop)

    you can download exact file you request (no need on same PC), then unzip and install on your laptop.
    In my test, no any problem.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 64 bit pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys but...
    siliconbeaver, it could not install "wrong HP support solution framework".
    michael diemer, installed SP55086, SP53201, SP53394, SP53121 using correct conditions (or something like that)
    in the end nothing has changed.
    Looking at hardware, the ethernet-associated hardware and drivers is all unknow with unknown manufacturer "not installed" and therefore not updateable.


      My Computer


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