Windows 7 Help Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How to start a new thread

To start a new thread, browse to the most appropriate forum for your topic:



Then to start a New Thread, click the New Thread icon:

Then in the Post New Thread Window.

  1. Type a detailed title (please make the title relevant to your post to make it easy for other readers to know what your post is about and for the best chances at good responses to your thread.
  2. Type the content of your post, question, ideas, comments etc...
  3. When your post is ready to submit, click on Submit New Thread Button, or Preview Post to see what your post looks like (you can always edit your post if needed)

That's it! That's all there is to creating a new thread (discussion topic)!

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.

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