No Online Games with iNCA GameGuard Will Work

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  1. Posts : 5
    Windows7 + WindowsXP + Ubuntu8.10

    Jon said:
    Error 0 and it doesn't update.
    Error 0 means failed to root hook. Could not run on Win7. Are u sure you updated the right .des file?

    to be sure you updated the right .des file,
    1. uninstall your game,
    2. re-install crossfire,
    3. re-install your game,
    4. take the .des file from the top folder of crossfire (NOT the gameguard folder!)
    5. and replace the gameguard.des in your other game's TOP folder (again NOT the gameguard folder!)

    If that doesn't work then, what build of win7 are you running? I can confirm that this works on Win7 V6.1 B7077 x64 Ultimate.
      My Computer

  2. Jon
    Posts : 4

    thanks cdgVBmu, i didn't realize it was the top folder .des file or even knew it had one lol. All working now.
    So add 9Dragons to that list.
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  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    Ragnarok doesn't work!

    Unfortunately for Ragnarok (bRO) doesn't work. The GG update, but show error 114: "Failed to initialize GameGuard. Please try again after you rebooting the system or closing other programs.".
    O.S.: Windows 7 RC 7100 x86.

    Infelismente para o Ragnarok (bRO) não funcionou. O GG chega a atualizar, mas da o erro: 114 "GameGuard nao pode ser inicializado. Tente após fechar outros programas ou reiniciar seu computador.".
    S.O.: Windows 7 RC 7100 x86.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 X86

    is running the US version of GunBound and its working fine here Build 7100 RC1 x64
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  5. Posts : 1
    Windows7 b7100 x86

    For Rappelz I got the same error:

    "Failed to initialize GameGuard <BR>. Please try again after you rebooting the system or closing other programs." =(
    OS: Windows7 b7100 x86

    Any idea?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    Global Mu online show the same error too... This problem just occurs in x86 version?

    Mu online aparece o mesmo erro. Esse problema só ocorre na versão x86?
      My Computer

  7. Jai
    Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    CdgVBmut solution doesn't work for me on Sxteel. Just black screen of death and restart :/.

    Thanks anyway.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows7 + WindowsXP + Ubuntu8.10

    that's odd...

    error 114 (Failed To Initialize) is just a hook error... shouldnt have a black screen reboot...

    try the above reinstall procedure again.. if it doesnt work, i'll contact nprotect and get an answer from them.

    fyi, since i did the first solution, all of my games have worked.

    i think a black screen reboot might be a problem beyond GameGuard... maybe graphics issue?

    I'll investigate and get back to you. In the meantime, try re-installing both games and replacing the top gameguard.des file (not the whole folder... leave the folder alone).


    CoderDeveloperGOD_vBulletin_MuOnline (cdgVBmu)
      My Computer

  9. Jai
    Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    maybe i do something wrong, i'll try again reinstalling both, and report asap.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 30
    Windows 7, XP in partition

    Halaster said:
    Hey guys. I have a solution for you.

    1. Install whatever game you want.
    2. Install the game Crossfire.
    3. Delete the GameGuard.des file from your game which is not working properly.
    4. Replace it with the GameGuard.des file installed with Crossfire.
    5. Run your game and it should work fine.
    6. Remove Crossfire if you do not want it wasting space.
    Verified this again last night with The Chronicles of Spellborn on Windows 7 Build 7100 x64 ultimate. Went from not working to running great.
    hey halaster. ill add ya to credits and add that info to my post. ill credit ya dun worry.
    Gameguard N Win7
    that post
      My Computer

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