No Online Games with iNCA GameGuard Will Work

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  1. Posts : 2
    Windows XP SP2

    No Online Games with iNCA GameGuard Will Work

    I've recently tested most of the games that use GameGuard (Nexon games, IJJI games, Ragnarok and other games).

    The hacking prevention software will shutdown around 3 seconds after initialization with the error code 0.

    This was tested on Build 6956.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    We still have that problem. Game shuts down with msg "Gameguard bla bla"
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows7 + WindowsXP + Ubuntu8.10

    i'm having same problem as well.

    Any update on this?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Windows 7 64-bit Build 7100

    Hey guys. I have a solution for you.

    1. Install whatever game you want.
    2. Install the game Crossfire.
    3. Delete the GameGuard.des file from your game which is not working properly.
    4. Replace it with the GameGuard.des file installed with Crossfire.
    5. Run your game and it should work fine.
    6. Remove Crossfire if you do not want it wasting space.

    Verified this again last night with The Chronicles of Spellborn on Windows 7 Build 7100 x64 ultimate. Went from not working to running great.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    Windows7 + WindowsXP + Ubuntu8.10

    It Works!!

    confirmed on:
    Mu online
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 30
    Windows 7 64-bit Build 7100

    Glad I could help.
      My Computer

  7. Jon
    Posts : 4

    thanks for the tip Halaster, I try to do that workaround with 9Dragons confirm that doesn't work with 9 dragons ><.
    Anyone tested this with Lineage2? i am about to buy it off Steam if it works.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows7 + WindowsXP + Ubuntu8.10


    What error are you getting after you try the work-around?

    When you try to launch the game what happens? Does GG try to update or does it just quit?
      My Computer

  9. Jon
    Posts : 4

    cdgVBmu said:

    What error are you getting after you try the work-around?

    When you try to launch the game what happens? Does GG try to update or does it just quit?
    Error 0 and it doesn't update.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 & Mac OS X

    Worked for me too! pristontale 2 by Keytoplay now is fully playable!
      My Computer

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