How can I improve my frames per second in games like Runes of Magic?

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    How can I improve my frames per second in games like Runes of Magic?

    I don't want to tone down the graphics, because Runes of Magic is ugly on lowest graphics, but that's the only way I can run the game without lag. I want to be able to atleast play on medium. I've used Gamebooster, and tried choosing the "adjust for best performance" option in "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". But it's just not enough. I have 4GBs of ram, it says 3.84GBs unusable. Any way I can fix that or boost my RAM for this? Thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Please answer me someone.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 234
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Gmonst said:
    I don't want to tone down the graphics, because Runes of Magic is ugly on lowest graphics, but that's the only way I can run the game without lag. I want to be able to atleast play on medium. I've used Gamebooster, and tried choosing the "adjust for best performance" option in "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". But it's just not enough. I have 4GBs of ram, it says 3.84GBs unusable. Any way I can fix that or boost my RAM for this? Thanks.
    3.84GB's unusable? That would be you have almost no ram at all.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,963
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit

    NGNL, he meant usuable, not unusable. He posted another thread asking about the RAM issue.

    EDIT: Just looked and it says unusable there too, but as the picture above this post illustrates, 0.16GB is being used for video memory.

    EDIT2: why to new people feel the need to delete post for no good reason?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Gmonst said:
    I don't want to tone down the graphics, because Runes of Magic is ugly on lowest graphics, but that's the only way I can run the game without lag. I want to be able to atleast play on medium. I've used Gamebooster, and tried choosing the "adjust for best performance" option in "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". But it's just not enough. I have 4GBs of ram, it says 3.84GBs unusable. Any way I can fix that or boost my RAM for this? Thanks.
    2 options, turn down the graphics or get a better GPU and (possibly) CPU.

    Without your system specs its difficult to say exactly what is causing your lag, but its definitely one of the two.

    You can have the best CPU in the world, but integrated graphics will still make everything look crap or lag.

    Conversely you can have the best GPU in the world, but if your CPU isn't up to much then that will hold your system back.

    Oh and disabling Aero won't affect games if they are playing full screen, Windows isn't stupid enough to still be rendering Aero under the game.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,517
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    severedsolo said:
    Gmonst said:
    I don't want to tone down the graphics, because Runes of Magic is ugly on lowest graphics, but that's the only way I can run the game without lag. I want to be able to atleast play on medium. I've used Gamebooster, and tried choosing the "adjust for best performance" option in "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". But it's just not enough. I have 4GBs of ram, it says 3.84GBs unusable. Any way I can fix that or boost my RAM for this? Thanks.
    2 options, turn down the graphics or get a better GPU and (possibly) CPU.

    Without your system specs its difficult to say exactly what is causing your lag, but its definitely one of the two.

    You can have the best CPU in the world, but integrated graphics will still make everything look crap or lag.

    Conversely you can have the best GPU in the world, but if your CPU isn't up to much then that will hold your system back.

    Oh and disabling Aero won't affect games if they are playing full screen, Windows isn't stupid enough to still be rendering Aero under the game.


    Also, keep in mind RoM is a MMO.
    Meaning, sometimes performance issues may not actually your system at all, but on a server end or server lag.
    Theres simply nothing you can do about about server lag.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Wishmaster said:

    Also, keep in mind RoM is a MMO.
    Meaning, sometimes performance issues may not actually your system at all, but on a server end or server lag.
    Theres simply nothing you can do about about server lag.
    Not a huge fam of online games myself, but from what I've seen in the few online games I have played, isn't server lag pretty obvious compared to FPS lag?

    either way, there is an easy way to tell: get Fraps FRAPS show fps, record video game movies, screen capture software your FPS should remain unchanged (I think) even if the server is being slow.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,517
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Not a huge fam of online games myself, but from what I've seen in the few online games I have played, isn't server lag pretty obvious compared to FPS lag?
    Yes it is.
    But not for everyone. Some can not tell the difference & often mistake the two.

    I just thought it may be worth pointing out there is a difference.

    I believe you are correct, the FPS should remain somewhat consistant while watching them. Even if the server isn't responding at all.

    Best I remember anyway.

    Been a while since Ive played any MMO's myself.
      My Computer


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