Here's the situation.

  1. Posts : 296
    Windows 7 baby ! : D

    Here's the situation.

    10 days ago I bought a good laptop from my local Futureshop store. It's pretty high end with an i7 processor, 6GB of DDR3 RAM and a ATI 5650 graphic card.

    I've been loving it so far and it's been able to play any game I've thrown at it so to speak

    Now this Friday (August 27th) is the last day I've got before I can return the system back to the store for a refund.

    I'm a pretty big gamer I love video games, and basically I've been toying the with idea of returning my laptop getting my money back and building my own custom gaming machine when I move into my new apartment next month.

    I know desktop computers are best when it comes to gaming because you can always upgrade for a small cost at a later point.

    I bought this laptop for 1399 on sale, regular price was 1599.

    I'm wondering If I should get my money back buy desktop parts and build my own gaming desktop system ?

    Would I get more for my money in that case ?

    I'm sure I could build a good system for no more than 2k.

    Your thoughts ?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 296
    Windows 7 baby ! : D
    Thread Starter
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    yes for $ can most likely get a desktop that will seriously outperform any laptop.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,322
    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    Not sure what hardware prices are like in Canada, but generally speaking for the price of a decent gaming laptop you can build a desktop that will outperform the laptop, and even save yourself money, such as going with an i5 processor etc.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 182
    Windows 8 Professional x64

    pparks1 said:
    yes for $ can most likely get a desktop that will seriously outperform any laptop.
    I agree

    there are tons of sites that will give you guides on how to build a gaming PC

    with a quick google search I found some articles here and here on tom's hardware (although keep in mind I am not familiar how ordering hardware from Canada will effect the prices)

    with a little more time and effort you should be able to find more current or even more affordable gaming builds that you can tailor the components to the type of gaming you will do
    Last edited by SleeStak; 23 Aug 2010 at 12:47. Reason: my horrible command of the english language
      My Computer


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