HD DVR PCIe Card problem. help

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    HD DVR PCIe Card problem. help

    Hey everyone. I don't know if any of you are familiar with this product but if you are great.

    Newegg.com - AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR MTVHDDVRR PCI-Express x1 Interface

    so i recently bought the AverMedia HD DVR, the one that plugs into the PCIe slot in the back of my computer. Well i installed it correctly, it says my computer recognizes it the device in the PCIe. I install the software for AverMediaCenter, plug the hdmi port going from my xbox into the hdmi port in the PCIe card, open up AverMediaCenter and get just a black screen in the preview screen? any suggestions?

    Any help or input is very appreciated! Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate)

    I really don't know what this has to do with Gaming, perhaps you would get more answers if you post this on the video Section? Perhaps I am the one who is wrong and for that I apologize.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

    rsbot135 said:
    Hey everyone. I don't know if any of you are familiar with this product but if you are great.

    Newegg.com - AVerMedia AVerTV HD DVR MTVHDDVRR PCI-Express x1 Interface

    so i recently bought the AverMedia HD DVR, the one that plugs into the PCIe slot in the back of my computer. Well i installed it correctly, it says my computer recognizes it the device in the PCIe. I install the software for AverMediaCenter, plug the hdmi port going from my xbox into the hdmi port in the PCIe card, open up AverMediaCenter and get just a black screen in the preview screen? any suggestions?

    Any help or input is very appreciated! Thank you.
    First I would check to see if the drivers are up to date, and make sure all your connections are good. Then I would turn on your game Console then start up the program to record with the HD PVR. I don't really like the PCI Capture Cards I like the HD PVR for example Newegg.com - Hauppauge HD PVR High Definition Personal Video Recorder 1212 USB 2.0 Interface
      My Computer


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