steam telling me not enough disk space for cod black ops install

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  1. Posts : 12
    Window 7 64bit

    steam telling me not enough disk space for cod black ops install

    My steam account was opened and installed on previous pc running windows xp. Recently purchased new gear with windows7 64bit, 12gb memory, 30gb hard drive 1, and 1tb hard drive 2. Steam successfuly installs however, proceeds to tell me i don't have enough free disk space for game install. Any advice? Is it possible by logging into my steam account created on old system that's what it is seeing?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    rncharlie72 said:
    My steam account was opened and installed on previous pc running windows xp. Recently purchased new gear with windows7 64bit, 12gb memory, 30gb hard drive 1, and 1tb hard drive 2. Steam successfuly installs however, proceeds to tell me i don't have enough free disk space for game install. Any advice? Is it possible by logging into my steam account created on old system that's what it is seeing?
    HD 1 is 30 gigs. Is that where your OS and steam are located?

    Win 7 can use 30 gigs quickly, especially if you have a large page file, and hyberfil files. (each of these can be 8 gigs)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12
    Window 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    yes, windows and steam are in hd 1, hd 1 still has 2 gb available. Hd 2 has 900+gb available. Admittedly, I am not very tech savy, any ways to rectify the memory issue? I still should be able to install.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,086
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

    Black ops actually needs just under 9gb to install, therefore your 2gb is what is restricting you.

    30gb for steam, games and operating system is not going to give you any change.

    My advise would be to stick steam and it's related content on the drive that has 930gb, you wont have to worry about disk space for steam games for quite a while.

    To do that all you have to do is uninstall steam and install again but this time when it asks if you want a typical install or custom, you choose custom. You will then be given the option of installing to a directory of your choice, you choose 930gb drive.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 12
    Window 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks a million! I will give this a try later today and see what I can come up with! Thanks again! You may hear from me again.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    yeah you need a bigger hard drive i hardly got anything on this rig and my games steam and windows takes up alot of space hence people doing the tb thing or get a ssd and have a back up throw steam on the back up

    it should still work just throw the icon on the desktop
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12
    Window 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you RST101!!!! I was able to uninstall steam and reinstall to my larger drive and all seems to be working great. Thanks for helping me out, it is greatly appreciated!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12
    Window 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you also solarstarshines! I appreciate your expertise. I will refer to this forum often for my future computer fixes! Thanks again!!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,086
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

    Glad to be able to help and glad it's all sorted now, happy gaming:)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,806
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    rncharlie72 said:
    Thank you RST101!!!! I was able to uninstall steam and reinstall to my larger drive and all seems to be working great. Thanks for helping me out, it is greatly appreciated!

    lol. I had to do the same thing recently, as I was down to 12gb, and banking off that sick sale they had (awesome). It's rather a pain if you ask me. I wish steam would let you install stuff where ever but...

    yeah, if you read the fine print on the steam store page for BO it says :
    *Call of Duty®: Black Ops requires an initial hard drive space of approximately 24GB to download and install the game via digital download (8GB of compressed files, 8GB of decompressed files and 8GB of installed files). Upon installing the game, 16GB (compressed and decompressed files) may be deleted from the hard drive. Please make note of where the compressed and decompressed files are being saved on your hard drive in order to later locate these temporary files for removal.
    now thats a big*** game
      My Computer

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