Fantail said:
Can't be sure about CoD but CoD4 runs great on 7x64. Recomend to run the installer as admin to c:\Games
Well sure... so it CoD5 & MW2 but that is a given!

Dammit, sure enough, as soon as I said what I said about "Fighting Bosses" and Murphy hits me from behind... I am stuck at one of the parts where you are on the back of a trruck, one of the ai is handing you bazookas, you must destroy a brige and then you continue on. Well, I am out of bazookas and this cars comes around the corner, 3 Jerries are running and I can get the Jerries and the car on time... I keep dying in that part (annoying as hell). I guess I am going to have reload from the beginning! ARRGGGHHH!