1. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600


    Can anyone suggest game that is more better than GTA San Andreas? i mean. .GTA was good though..but im looking for something good game which is much like GTA where you can just walk.and make anything you can do in the environment. .because in GTA you there are some actions that you cannot do..if you were done doing all the missions like just living by your own,and buy things and live normally.. hehe what im talking about was a game that is much more can be compared to a real life.

    Any suggestion? thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 531
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM + SP1

    Hey Rigz,

    Depending on your CPU, i would suggest GTA IV.

    Another good one that i have just started playing Fallout: New Vegas.

    Fallout 3, so i hear, is very similar to New Vegas as well.

    There are other which i'm sure others will come up with, but they are currently my favourite games that are what you are looking for.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    If you want a real life game,stick with gta series, but if you want "better life" haha get the witcher or dragon age 2,not real life but real good rpg's. Also i personally like test drive unlimited 2. just saying. But Luckystar pretty much summed it up,get the new gta.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,517
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Most have been mentioned but ..

    Fallout 3 and Fallout NV are both good.
    But, IMHO .. Fallout 3 GOTY is the better game between these 2.

    Elder Scrolls Oblivion, although a bit older, is good as well.

    As mentioned, Dragon Age Origins & The Witcher certainly worth considering.
    BTW, Witcher 2 is coming out on the 17th of this month.

    And lets not forget ... Mass Effect series. Excellent games!

    All of these are RPGs but have a bit different gameplay (especially Dragon Age).
    Not that its a bad thing at all, just may be worth looking into them a bit to see if its something youd like.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    whoaw! thanks for this ideas and i think i should put this on my market list..and check for compatibility. im thinking about the Sims..but i could also think this game sucks
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    The Sims isn't really an RPG, sure you can play it as one (google Alice and Kev Sims 3) but it's not really designed like that, its more a virtual dollshouse.

    "in GTA you there are some actions that you cannot do"

    In truth, in any game there are some actions you cannot do. There is only so much you can code into a game within a reasonable timeframe. You say you want a game where you can just live on your own, buy things, live normally. We already have this game. It's called Real Life

    Of course if you want a "virtual" version of real life, there is always Second Life. I hear that's quite good.

    Or if you mean that you like the sandbox aspect of GTA, you might want to look at Minecraft. There are no "objectives" as such, it's just a sandbox building/mining game. Although you can get some crazy mods that let you do pretty much anything. Here's a review: The Escapist : Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation : Minecraft
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    yah i tried playing minecraft, and others would say it was a very nice game, maybe im just the one who would say "minecraft" was not really (for me) enjoyable.

    Im thinking of a game, like in the movie "Gamers". .haha just thinking about if any game would exist like that.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    I admit single player MC sucks, especially after you've been playing on a server for a while. There are servers though that have a mod called "Iconomy" this basically creates an economy system, and people create whole towns, and cities, it sounds alot like what you are looking for.

    Not trying to push you into it or anything, but it's something to consider.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    rigz said:
    whoaw! thanks for this ideas and i think i should put this on my market list..and check for compatibility. im thinking about the Sims..but i could also think this game sucks
    sims going cheap on steam right now!

    (at least in the uk - it'll only be on offer for a few more hours though...)

    ROLE PLAYING GAME-sims.jpg

    never played it though, so don't know what it's like. used to be a big sim city fan back in the day...
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 4,517
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    IF .. you like the SIMS games at all, I think youll enjoy the SIMs 3.

    I pick it up every now and then and play, but Im really not a huge Simmer.
    Not that its a bad game, in fact it is quite good. Just not one of my personal favorites.

    I only have the Basic Sims 3 Game, no expansions. Personally, I do not play it enough to justify putting more into it.

    If its the type of gameplay you can really get into it, its a good game for sure. Better than Sims2 IMHO.
      My Computer


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