R and S get stuck while playing games

  1. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    R and S get stuck while playing games

    So I have a bit of a weird problem, just got my new rig I installed windows 7 on it, installed steam and went to play me some portal 2 (like the rest of the world), but when I pressed S it got stuck walking back, I got out of Portal 2 and got onto notepad and pressed S and it was ok, fine then I'll deal with it later (I thought), and then I installed Counter Strike Source, so I pressed S and it started to walk back on it's own, I shot a few bullets and pressed R it started to reload on it's own, so I left the game paused went on the web and tried to find something (a solution perhaps) when I got back into the game not S or R were working... so I tried this like a million times, R and S get stuck if I alt+tab and get back they stop working, also even when I pause Counter strike Source it keeps running back (the menu shows on top of the game) if it's paused the keyboard focus should go to the menu (Nor A, D or W works to move the char on the menu...) so What am I doing wrong? First thing I did was update windows to the latest possible version, did not fix my problem at all, I don't think it's a problem with steam, so any thoughts?

    Keyboard is PS2 and mouse is USB 3200 DPI, using Windows 7 ultimate x64
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
    Thread Starter

    Problem solved it was fraps, bottom line don't use ctrl+something on fraps or bad things will happen, I hope in the next update they solve this, if not I'll send them a message, if anyone have a similar issue, now you know shy your keys are getting stuck it's fraps having a problem with the commands
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    thanks for reporting back.

    quick tip: when i use fraps, i set the record button to be 'scroll lock', so a little light comes on my keyboard letting me know that i'm in 'record mode'.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 932
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    mickey megabyte said:
    thanks for reporting back.

    quick tip: when i use fraps, i set the record button to be 'scroll lock', so a little light comes on my keyboard letting me know that i'm in 'record mode'.
    Now that's a very good tip Mickey, now i need to change my fraps settings.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
    Thread Starter

    I forgot to post the link before, they fixed it a while ago:

    Fraps 3.4.1 - 2nd Apr 2011
    - Fixed crash when starting Fraps for some users
    - Fixed hotkeys not being detected when modifier keys held
    - Fixed keys getting stuck when used by both the game and Fraps

    Link to the changelog News - Fraps Updates & Changelog "Might have changed because it's dynamic"

    if you have fraps update newest version as soon as it's out, because ou never know...
    Last edited by evilalan; 27 Aug 2011 at 09:58. Reason: little mistake
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate)

    Fraps is Evil...

    Seriously though... if and when I do use Fraps, I always check that I am not going to be using any of the keys I use when I play, thus, avoiding this issues. Don't get me wrong, I do this mainly because, somehow, at some point... I did ran into this problem
      My Computer


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