Diablo 2 'Rainbow colours' bug

  1. Posts : 44
    Windows 7

    Diablo 2 'Rainbow colours' bug

    I was wondering if anybody could help me with a problem I'm having. When I start Diablo 2 the colours are all messed up they seem to be in a rainbow sort of style I don't really know how to explain but I've googled around about this and can't seem to find a fix?. I'm running windows 7 home premium and I have changed the video options for the game to directdraw along with setting the compatibility to windows xp service pack 2. If anyone could help me find a permanent fix for this I would be most grateful.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,009
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    Diablo 2...good times good times...if only DIII would be out already

    IIRC that color bug is connected to the anti aliasing setting. Switch it off and you should be good to go.
    I just checked the properties..this is how i have it set

    Diablo 2 'Rainbow colours' bug-capture.jpg

    Here's something I never tried myself because I didn't have the need for it:

    Here is how to fix it without playing in Window mode :)

    Just alt tab out of Diablo when you start it and open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc). Under the Processes tab find explorer.exe and End Process it. Alt tab back to Diablo II and the colours should be normal :P That's how it worked for me. If you want to start your explorer.exe again: Task Manager-> Processes-> File -> New Task (Run...) -> type "exlorer.exe" and hit enter :) Hope it helps!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 44
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Good times indeed I was just browsing through the games I had installed on my PC and noticed it

    Works perfectly now thanks for the help DG.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,009
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    I'm glad you got it fixed

    DII one of my all time favorites. I ruined it for myself when I got the Hero Editor
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    This Is such a simple fix you will slap yourself

    Left click Diablo 2 shortcut> Properties> compatibility; then put on windows Xp (service pack 2), check Disable video composition APPLY

    Then (this is the important part) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Go to Start>All programs>Diablo2>Video Test

    after you run the video test it will work
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Professional x86

    It works with Win 7 Professional fine
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    ninjaprincess said:
    This Is such a simple fix you will slap yourself

    Left click Diablo 2 shortcut> Properties> compatibility; then put on windows Xp (service pack 2), check Disable video composition APPLY

    Then (this is the important part) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Go to Start>All programs>Diablo2>Video Test

    after you run the video test it will work
    Wow I was Giving up hope on ever being able to play Diablo 2 with its original video quality when I stumbled upon this.I can now enjoy the good times lol......DIABLO 2 FOR LIFE
      My Computer


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