The Witcher 2

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  1. Posts : 472
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    Well the 480 card is installed and running sweet on W1 EE were ordinary with the po lil 9600 512 card but markedly improved with the surprise I guess...if I can find another one then I will buy it to SLI them...Have 2 hi end full cover waterblocks for them lol but only one card atm.
    Hot mothers tho and a football field long .....

    And it rapes Crysis 2 on extreme settings :)) bonus eh?

    Not to mention running W1 EE maxed eaaasily.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 69
    Windows 7 Profesional 64 Bit

    Did they fix the issues I installed the first witcher wouldn't work driver issue installed the patch and it worked, but forever afterward there was an incomaptible driver msg everytime I logged in very annoying. Uninstalled game and it still had the 'incompatible driver' msg at startup. I have since done a clean install. If anyone wants the witcher 1 I have I'll give it away if you pay for postage. I don't like 'incompatible driver' everytime I start my computer.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 472
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    JeremyAlexander said:
    Did they fix the issues I installed the first witcher wouldn't work driver issue installed the patch and it worked, but forever afterward there was an incomaptible driver msg everytime I logged in very annoying. Uninstalled game and it still had the 'incompatible driver' msg at startup. I have since done a clean install. If anyone wants the witcher 1 I have I'll give it away if you pay for postage. I don't like 'incompatible driver' everytime I start my computer.

    Well I upgraded drivers to the is also patched to the Directors Ed...

    Were your drivers up to speed? Onboard sound maybe an issue?? possibly..try disabling that and see what happens. Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say..whoever the f*ck they are lol.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 69
    Windows 7 Profesional 64 Bit

    According to the issue wasn't 'with them' it was with the secrom solution they chose to use. The Tagès drivers is the problem. The issue is that windows 7 wouldn't unistall the driver that it wouldn't install and therefore left it in 'incompatable limbo' even after uninstalling Tages and reinstalling and installing the patch. The game worked just had that annoying pop up. This is witcher Enhanced version (whatever the difference is). But yeah all my REAL drivers were up to date.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Witcher 2-witcher.png  
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  5. Posts : 1,403
    Win 7 Ultimate 32bit
    Thread Starter

    well.. I just fell in love even more with TW2. This card is what I was looking for, annoyingly playable at ultra uber max on my system, but will have to down it some. If I can get pst the every so often hicups, then wow the game looks good, especially the forest.
    Maybe a patch will fix it, but wow, going from the lowest settings to almost the highest? yeah, completely different experience. Am starting the game from scratch, was part way through Act 2. But, it's worth starting over.
    Just need to dial in my ultra settings and I think it will be great. Even with my other (now) low end specs. It was worth the money. Despite the fact I wish I could have gotten it cheaper. Still testing, will give it a couple more days.

    Oh yeah, ehm hmm hm hehe fire fire fire, hehe fire .... looks way better now.

    One thing I have always said, it's not nearly as much the whole of the system as it is the video card when it comes to gaming, and I am proving it with this setup.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,517
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Tepid said:
    well.. I just fell in love even more with TW2. This card is what I was looking for, annoyingly playable at ultra uber max on my system, but will have to down it some. If I can get pst the every so often hicups, then wow the game looks good, especially the forest.
    Maybe a patch will fix it, but wow, going from the lowest settings to almost the highest? yeah, completely different experience. Am starting the game from scratch, was part way through Act 2. But, it's worth starting over.
    Just need to dial in my ultra settings and I think it will be great. Even with my other (now) low end specs. It was worth the money. Despite the fact I wish I could have gotten it cheaper. Still testing, will give it a couple more days.

    Oh yeah, ehm hmm hm hehe fire fire fire, hehe fire .... looks way better now.

    One thing I have always said, it's not nearly as much the whole of the system as it is the video card when it comes to gaming, and I am proving it with this setup.

    Yea the 570 is pretty sweet :) I really love mine.

    Think the HD gets a pretty big rebate too, like 40 or 50$$.
    Enough to buy a game with.

    I know the game will use a Quad core, and in some area where it really CPU intensive may cause a bit of a hiccup w/a dual. Im not sure.
    But I have a P45 w/Quad Core and get the occasional hiccup as well, so I do think it just needs some patches.

    How are temps on the HD?
    I used Precision to make a custom Fan Profile with mine. With it, my card hits 70 at the very most. These guys can safely run a lot warmer than that though.

    Enjoy your new toy :)

    BTW, in case you do not know ... do not use the 3d Vision drivers, or uninstall them if you did.
    They are causing performance problems in Witcher 2.
    Also, they recoommend using the Beta drivers, 275.27. I can confirm, performance was slightly better.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,292
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Though I was not able to play The Witcher 2 for long, as my GPU is seriously failing at this time, I was able to get a good two-hour glimpse of what the game is about.

    The very first thing that came to mind is: this is what Dragon Age 2 should have been.
    From my point of view, both DA2 and TW2 had very similar changes from their first installments. Both games are now much more console-friendly, as someone would call it "dumbed down", but this is where DA2 fails to deliver any kind of excitement, and TW2 gets it just right on the spot. The graphics are marvelous! THAT'S how environments should look like, Bioware! Not a flat dirt road with two trees, each having three branches! DX11 my a$$!
    Despite the fact that all the old characters look almost completely different, I find nothing wrong with that because they actually look better than in the first game (I found all the characters kind of similar before, if you look closely at their jawlines, cheeks etc.)

    The story upholds both old and new excitements and curiosities. The voicework is hilariously funny and very well done, and as far as I can hear, everyone but Geralt got new voice actors. Coupled with new visuals, it does get kind of weird at first, but there are so many things going on in the game that there's simply no time to concentrate on that.

    The game music and the official soundtrack are EPIC!!! The very first song from the intro is a song called "Ой Ти, Петре, Петре" from my favorite Polish (psychedelic folk) metal band "Żywiołak"; needless to say that I was completely shocked hearing them in the intro. Pleasantly, of course
    I have to say that I was skeptical when it came to the soundtrack. I didn't think that it could be any better from the first one, but I was completely wrong, and I'm happy about it! 8D

    Animations are amazing! Walking through doors, climbing ladders and stuff is great. One small complaint would be the camera movement during battles, but I got used to it. The game is also very challenging and realistic, which is fantastic; simply one of those things that make an RPG game incredible. The battle styles may have changed, but leveling is definitely more exciting than in DA2. As a realistic game, it comes close to hack&slashing, but it stays on the good, fun side nevertheless.

    The inventory screen is kind of messed up for me, it gets complicated at times, especially when I need to buy/sell stuff; that definitely could've been improved. I've also heard complaints about drinking potions, which is only able during meditation, but as I've read the book, I don't mind it (much); the game definitely stays true to the book in such aspects.

    I can definitely see this game as the RPG of the year, since *trolling on* Bioware definitely won't have enough money to buy off reviewers for the title *trolling off* xD
    Overall, the game is something you shouldn't just play, but also cherish each and every moment, especially if you bought that colossal version that comes along with everything, and then some!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 472
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    JeremyAlexander said:
    According to the issue wasn't 'with them' it was with the secrom solution they chose to use. The Tagès drivers is the problem. The issue is that windows 7 wouldn't unistall the driver that it wouldn't install and therefore left it in 'incompatable limbo' even after uninstalling Tages and reinstalling and installing the patch. The game worked just had that annoying pop up. This is witcher Enhanced version (whatever the difference is). But yeah all my REAL drivers were up to date.
    If you are playing the EE version then there is no has been removed in the EE vers.It also has patch1.4 and 1.5 and also has the directors ed patch. Game should simply install and run without issue. Mine did.
    BTW wtf is Tages drivers? first time I've come across it.cheers
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 199
    Debian Squeeze Stable 64-bit

    Good news for 2: Community - Patch looks like it should come out today. Maybe. It is a mystery why they built a new engine but didn't spend time optimizing it . . . .
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,403
    Win 7 Ultimate 32bit
    Thread Starter

    The Patch Is officially Available

    and I get Crash to Desktop now quite often. Installed drivers without the 3d stuff and using the beta 275's as suggested. Kinda bummed about that. I get some ok play time before it does and it starts quick, but still bummed.

    I have lowered to high, will lower to medium, still testing,
    and want to see the patch before I commit to this card fully, I have 30 days.

    However, all my other games run good, COD: Black Ops full out looks and plays fantastic now.

    The inventory screen is kind of messed up for me, it gets complicated at times, especially when I need to buy/sell stuff; that definitely could've been improved. I've also heard complaints about drinking potions, which is only able during meditation, but as I've read the book, I don't mind it (much); the game definitely stays true to the book in such aspects.
    Yeah the inventory is not done very well,, if you are looking for the junk to sell, look in the all items section. It's the only place you will find it. I found a ton of stuff after a while of search for ways to free up weight.

    The potions thing does not bother me, it's a fact, you are a witcher and must prepare for battle.
    This isn't Rambo RPG.
    Last edited by Tepid; 26 May 2011 at 20:31.
      My Computer

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