I need a good FPS Campaign game... help me out.
It seems I am pulling hairs here as I have been un-dusting my FPS games due to the lack of games as of late.
Games I have already played over, and over, and over again
CoD 4
CoD 5
Graw II
Vegas 2
FC2... Couldn't continue after 56% completion! Lego Star Wars is way more enternaining than this Eye Cany POS
Cryostasis... Tried the Demo, not my cup of tea.
CoJ:BfB... WWII type weapons is as far back as I am willing to go.
ArmaII... Tried it, couldn't pass the intitiation/waiting period. I am all for tactical but when I got to go to MIT to learn to use 250 different kb/mouse combinations, I rather walk away from it all
L4D... Tried it, tried it again wanting to get jiggy with it... to no avail.
Fallout 3... I hate talking and on this game I Talked 'till the cows came home... Uninstalled it prior to getting out of the bunker, couldn't continue on.
I see a couple of games coming down the pipeline (Wolfstein & Section 8) + others but not until November (are we there yet?).