FNV has its own issues, but I found something that fixed my problems.
One was the directx performance issue, which has now been fixed via the latest patch.
The other was horrible, brain bleeding stutter/lag when turning with a lot of NPC's in the area, dead or alive.
This thread was most helpful, even though it referred to Fallout 3 and not specifically to FNV:
Fallout 3 still Stuttering - 195.62 - NVIDIA Forums
If links are not allowed, here is the contents of my post:
Posted 24 October 2010 - 05:08 PM BlueSteel, on May 23 2010, 04:07 PM, said:
I did a few more tests, specifically in the player house in Megaton. I get the hang exactly once in that house; after that I can turn around all I want without any hitching.
These are the changes/tweaks I did, only listing the ones I believe to be somewhat relevant:
- Set "iPresentInterval" to 0 in Fallout.ini (disables v-sync)
- Set "iNumHWThreads" to 2 in Fallout.ini (fixes crashes with 64bit OS and quadcores)
- Set AA transparency to multisample, disabled v-sync and set pre-rendered frames to 0 in NVIDIA control panel
- Set AA to 4x, all options to "Ultra", Water Reflection Quality to "Medium" and disabled Transparency Multisampling in the Fallout Launcher
Gets me extremely smooth 60fps outdoors and 100-150fps indoors; no hitching except the one-time occurence inside the Megaton player house.
(I replied):
Thanks much for those settings. They seem to also fix issues with Fallout New Vegas and stutter while turning. That lag/stutter issue was worst when near NPC's, dead or alive. It was pretty much unplayable and vomit inducing.
Also, here are some other multi-threaded tweaks that seem to improve performance on my GTS 250 w/Quad core AMD (update them in FalloutPrefs.ini):