Red Ring of Death finally fixed?

  1. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Red Ring of Death finally fixed?

    Is 360's Red Ring of Death finally fixed? Actually, probably not.

    I’ll believe it when I (don’t) see it, but some report that Microsoft may have finally fixed its endemic Red Ring of Death (RROD) problems. Hey, the console’s only been out for three years.
    New Xbox 360 models have been spotted using upgraded components, said to make the infamous Red Ring of Death a thing of the past.
    The newest 360s are fitted with new 'Jasper' motherboards, says one report, as well as a new and improved graphics chip.
    The upgraded components are smaller and emit less heat, according to the techies, which in turn should mean no more red lights on your 360, and less postman visits to send your console off to Xbox repairs.
    Read more at the source.

    Later Ted
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Bollocks. They were supposed to have fixed that several revisions ago. If they can't get it right after multiple revisions, I shudder to think what the next-gen quality will be like.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 307
    XP Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 & 32 Build 7022

    I have 2 older Xbox 360's & no RROD so far. "knocks on wood"
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 154
    Windows 7 Build 7100

    Buy a PS3 it has blu-ray!

    Also, I never had to send it off to Sony. Same with all of the other Sony products I have.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22
    Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x64, Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x86, Fedora 9 i386, Ubuntu 8.04 x86_x64

    Yeah I might get a PS3 soon. Although Xbox seems tempting. I had a Wii but sold it because I don't like physical activity that much, I get tired really fast. (I'm not fat.)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    djhallucn8 said:
    I have 2 older Xbox 360's & no RROD so far. "knocks on wood"
    Mine is an August 2006 model and and it had been problem free until a month or so ago when it had it's first RROD. Until then, I'd been 'knocking on wood' too.

    However it only happened the once and has behaved itself since then, so I guess I'm 'still knocking on wood'
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,027
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64/ Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    I wish I wish I had a 360.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14
    Windows Vista x64

    smarteyeball said:
    Mine is an August 2006 model and and it had been problem free until a month or so ago when it had it's first RROD. Until then, I'd been 'knocking on wood' too.

    However it only happened the once and has behaved itself since then, so I guess I'm 'still knocking on wood'
    Mine was running strong from launch until about 3 months ago. I had to send it in twice, and they sent me a refurb. No problems since. I didn't have to pay anything, so it's not a huge deal to me. I still <3 my Xbox 360.
    Last edited by x3haloed; 19 Nov 2008 at 17:43. Reason: spelling
      My Computer


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