Saitek cyborg evo Joystick calibration fail

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 pro

    Saitek cyborg evo Joystick calibration fail

    Hi please can anyone help, I have a saitek cyborg evo that I cannot calibrate and is off centre by a large amount, when I look in the test part of the game controllers in windows it is jumping around as well as being off centre. Unplugging and then plugging in moves the error around but does not resolve it. I have downloaded the latest drivers, turned it off and on again several times, asked it nicely and have now resorted to threats but to no avail. It worked perfectly before!

    In the game controllers two devices are shown, cyborg evo hid and cyborg evo USB.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    I had the same problem with my EVO. The solution is unfortunatly a windows reinstall. DO not install the supplied drivers or the ones on the saitek site, go to windows update and download the driver there. It will not show up if you have installed any drivers or software for it. Since I did this at my last reinstall 4 months ago I have not had a single loss of calibration. It is not your stick wearing out it is simply bad software. As I said do not install any other drivers or software before or after install from windows update or you will be back to square 1 all over again. It took frustration to a whole me level to figure out. Hope this helps!
    Declan woodham
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 pro
    Thread Starter

    That's crazy. Surely there is a way to uninstall the saitek drivers without re installing windows, thanks
      My Computer


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