Changing from gaming laptop to PC, advice?

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Changing from gaming laptop to PC, advice?

    My asus g60jx laptop recently went down with a fried motherboard [ =( ], I had originally planned on getting another asus as I really enjoyed the one I had. Im starting to wonder wether or not I should get a PC instead.

    I really just want something powerful enough to play modern games and maintain good fps etc... I dont need a "master of the universe" computer, something around 700-800 dollars. I have seen the refurbed asus's for around that price and it seems most come with the i7, 1.5-2gb graphics, 6-8gb ram etc. What I am really wondering is, how much more could I get for the same money out of a pc? Or how much would similar speccs cost for a pc? I love the mobility of a laptop, but if i can save a few hundred and get the same thing I would be pretty stoked.

    TLDR: What kind of PC can I get for ~800$ that will play games well. Or just point me in the right direction.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    your range is $800.00 are you going with a intel cpu ? or AMD

    also what kind of case are you trying to use mid size atx or full

    what kind of games will you be playing GPU inportant part as well Nvidia or amd

    also Psu has to be enough to power everything especially if you plan to over clock

    if you are going with a regular HDD or SSD/HDD ?

    alot of questions need to be answered
      My Computer


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